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What. A. Day.
DOC, DXM & Diphenhydramine
Citation:   dr_drew. "What. A. Day.: An Experience with DOC, DXM & Diphenhydramine (exp105548)". Jan 19, 2022.

T+ 0:00
2 mg oral DOC (blotter / tab)
  T+ 11:00 275 mg oral DXM (liquid)
  T+ 11:00 200 mg oral Diphenhydramine (pill / tablet)
It was a beautiful saturday and I had a clear day ahead of me. I'd been thinking about tripping on this day for a few weeks and when I woke up I decided that it would be a great way to spend my time. I am fairly experienced with a wide variety of psychedelics (LSD, mushrooms, a few other RCs), and have been tripping semi consistantly for about 3 years. I had taken DOC once about 4 months before (though I thought it was LSD at the time), and was eager to experience it again.

0:00 (around 11 am)
I ate the DOC tab and left with my friends to go to a nearby diner for breakfast. DOC takes a while to come up, so this part of the day was relatively boring. I did not tell anyone that I had taken the substance until later. I don't really like telling other people when I'm tripping because they usually end up making it weird. Sometimes I think I need new friends.

We are eating at the diner. I am beginning to feel a bit more stimulated, though this could be placebo or even just feeling more awake. I am more involved in conversation, and my thought process takes a much deeper and and more spiritual and lighthearted form. I am definitely enjoying myself, not necessarily because of where I am or because I am with my friends, but because I am at peace with who I am.

We leave the diner and drive home. More of the same. Watching the outside world fly by in the car is a little interesting, but nothing more. Honestly the substance was pretty underwhelming. I texted my friend DB, who had taken a tab from the same batch a month before, that I was on DOC. He then proceeded to tell everyone else. So much for my little secret, but whatever. Who cares, life is good.

+2:30 - ~+6:00
Back at home I spend the afternoon chilling out, watching TV, listening to music, and thinking about life. I was both by myself and with others periodically throughout the day. I don't remember thinking of anything too groundbreaking, but instead revisiting topics that I was familiar with from previous psychedelic experiences (ie the inherent beauty of life, the vast potential of future opportunities, etc). I am having fun though. At one point, all of my roomates left to go grocery shopping. I wanted to go with them, but there wasn't enough space in the car, and I was completely ok with that. Perhaps on other substances this would not go over so well, but I was functioning perfectly normally on my own, and didn't need any supervision or special guidance. I'd say I was somewhere between + and ++, maybe a full ++ at its most extreme.

I am full of inspiration, and when some friends ask if I want to get some food with them, I capitalize on the opportunity to visit a local head shop for some supplies I had been meaning to buy for over a year. I call my friend S (who was at the diner earlier and will return in prominence later) to ask if he wants to come with us, which he affirms. After I manage to coordinate everything, we embark. We spend about 20 minutes at the headshop where S and I both purchase our materials, then go to a local convenience store for some food.

+7:00 - +10:30
My roomates and their frat were having a date party in a neighboring town that night, and the pre-party was at our house. This was a little intimidating, and where the trip began to feel a bit uncomfortable (though still mellow). There were about 150 people in my our house, and everyone was wearing very formal clothes while I was dressed casually. I stuck out like a sore thumb, and I began to feel a little left out, not because I wanted to go with them, but because I felt like an outsider (not necessarily a new thought process - this had been in the back of my mind since we moved in together). However, these feelings were not overwhelming, and I managed to to positively socialize with several new people.

I was also preoccupied with my own plans for the night. After researching safety charts, I decided that I would try the DXM/DPH combination that night while I was home alone. I drank roughly 2/3 of a bottle of robitussin and 8 benedryl pills over the course of 30 minutes. This is when my night got interesting.

Everyone leaves, and I am left alone in my room. The combination begins to kick in, and I am pleasantly surprised by the results. First come the audio hallucinations. I was hearing my roomates having a conversation downstairs, and though at first I realized it was my imagination, I eventually walked downstairs to make sure. The house was completely empty. I was also having dreams in my mind, though I was still in complete contact with the real world. They would be best described as different, short scenarios playing out in my head, though they were incredibly lifelike and vivid. WOW.

Physically, I was having a little trouble controlling my body, and when I looked at myself in the mirror I was met by a stranger's face. My eyes were wide open and felt like they were bugging out of their sockets. I'm happy I wasn't around people, because I definitely looked like I was on something.

+11:30 - +13:30 (if nothing else, read this)
I texted S to tell him what was going on, and he decided to come over to smoke and hang out. We went into my roomates room, and for the next two hours we had an absolutely mind blowing conversation. S is a chill guy who also has experience with psychedelics and knows how to trip sit, and he made sure to steer the conversation in directions that would be stimulating, with topics ranging from global affairs to girls to problems with our society. It helps that we have similar thought processes, opinions, and interests. However, I was having serious trouble paying attention to what he was saying because my mind kept wandering off topic and I was consumed in my own thoughts. I kept having to ask him to remind me what we were talking, at which point I'd remember and continue with the conversation. I was also having trouble speaking and forming sentences: even though I could think clearly enough, my speech was slurred and there were times when I couldn't think of the right word to say (though this isn't normally unnusual for me).

This is also when the visuals began to appear. The DOC hadn't really produced anything visually (though my pupils did dilate), but after taking the DXM/DPH they kicked in hard. Textures on the walls became overtly vivid, and I noticed patterns in the rug that I had never noticed before. The colors also took on a dull yet rich tint. Nothing psychedelic, but still interesting. I wish I had explored CEVS.

Physically the experience was awful. My legs were cramped the whole time, and there was nothing I could do but lie on the bed and ride it out. From what I understand this was the DPH acting, so maybe a different balance between that and the DXM would eliminate this side effect. However this was easily the worst part of the ordeal.

+13:00 - +16:00
My roomates returned from their party just as I was sobering up, and my moved to my room where we listened to Pink Floyd and talked some more for a few more hours. My friends then left and I tried to go to bed. I was exhausted - it was 4 am - but I had trouble falling asleep. When I turned the lights out I began to hallucinate again. I saw a crouching little girl on the wall across from my bed, and when I closed my eyes the little dreams came back, only this time MUCH weirder. One involved a man lying on a kitchen floor in the fetal position, and he was licking the floor. It then began to flash to different people - of all ages, races, and lifestyles - doing the same thing: licking the floor in the fetal position. Maybe 25 other imaginary scenes of comparable weirdness played out in my mind that night before I finally went to sleep.

The next day was full of afterglow. The deep and profound thought process continued throughout the day and I still felt very connected to the world around me, but by sunday night I was incredibly exhausted and had no trouble falling asleep.

All in all this experience was truly unique, and while I thoroughly enjoyed it I am in no rush to do it again in this manner. For some reason I seem to have a naturally high tolerance to psychedelics, but I still found the whole thing to be overwhelmingly mentally tiring by the end. At a certain point, I just needed to get some rest.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 105548
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Jan 19, 2022Views: 1,067
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DOC (357), DXM (22), Diphenhydramine (109) : First Times (2), Combinations (3), Hangover / Days After (46), Various (28)

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