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Pain Management and Bad News
by sis
Citation:   sis. "Pain Management and Bad News: An Experience with Methadone (exp105742)". Oct 17, 2016.

50 mg oral Methadone (daily)
I have been in pain management for 7 years and taking methadone for about 5. I started taking it
Because of the effects of Vicodin after surgery. I did not want to be mood altered but was and still am in chronic back pain. I began with 10 mg and after 5 years I am up to 50 mg pr day. I do not like being mood altered and am in recovery (12 step program.not drug issues), but after spending 10 years in excruciating pain I decided that a quality life is far better than the way I was living even if it meant having to let go of my sobriety date. Taking mood altering meds does have social and moral issues with me but this is just MY stuff, not the 12 step program expectations!

Anyway I have never felt mood altered with methadone except when I took over the counter cough syrup and I just became extremely sleepy. It has taken away all mind altering effects of Vicodin but not the pain relief of the drug, I took both after dental work. When I take it I do not get sleepy until it begins to wear off. Lastly my pain is still usually around a 4 or 5 on bad days 6-7 but I can work through it. I am not focused on the pain unless I want to be. Almost a conscious choice. I rarely take anything for breakthrough pain. I will if there is anything around the house from (left over dental or what ever) but I can live without it if I can lay down, Or take mga doses of Aleve.

Here is the bad news. I have tried to stop taking it. The withdrawal is the most horrible thing I have ever experienced. Not only is the pain much much more pronounced but by day three of going cold turkey, suicide is an option. This is a drug that had I know about the withdrawal I am not sure if I would have started taking it. But I can work without being in agony. There should be a solution.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 105742
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 17, 2016Views: 2,551
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Methadone (166) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Medical Use (47), Not Applicable (38)

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