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Pleasant but Mild Stimulation
Citation:   Mongo. "Pleasant but Mild Stimulation: An Experience with Methylphenidate (exp105757)". Apr 29, 2020.

T+ 0:00
20 mg oral Pharms - Methylphenidate
  T+ 0:00   oral Caffeine
  T+ 0:35 20 mg oral Pharms - Methylphenidate
I recently changed doctors and due to a suggestion from my counselor, I got screened for ADHD. They decided that I met the criteria and the next week I went in to see the nurse practitioner that prescribes my medicine and she prescribed me 20mg of ritalin to take twice a day.

This is my first time taking ritalin but I've had many experiences with stimulants in the past. I've taken adderall, ecstasy, and meth on numerous different occasions and I've always enjoyed the effect. I was hoping the ritalin would be similar and give me a boost of energy and an increase in focus and hopefully a little euphoria. So as soon as I got home, I walked up to the pharmacy with my prescription.

+0.00 I take a 20mg pill and wash it down with some rockstar energy drink and prepare for the mile long walk back home.

+0.05 I realize I haven't eaten all day and I feel kinda weak so I stop at a gas station and buy a chicken sandwich and immediately eat it. Then I finish walking home.

+0.25 I get home, glad to be inside and out of the sun. I notice a slight boost in mood. I'm feeling more optimistic than I was earlier that day and also more social. I decide to call my friend Sarah (not her real name) back and I'm enjoying the conversation. She is also more talkative because she took some adderall. I tell her about my new medication and we talk for about ten minutes when I decide to take a second 20 mg pill. We continue talking for another ten minutes then I get off the phone.

+1.00 I feel mildly stimulated but nothing very extreme. I'm also experiencing a little anxiety but I'm not sure if that's attributed to the medication as anxiety is a pretty common problem for me. I get on my phone and play a couple games for awhile, nothing really keeps my interest.

+1.20 Still mildly stimulated but nothing like I would be off the same dose of adderall. I am a little disappointed. I think maybe I didn't really take enough to have much of an effect or any euphoria. My tolerance to stims is decently high.

+2.00 Feeling a little irritable and thinking about possibly snorting some to see what it does. Decided to write this report.

Conclusion: It's somewhat comparable to other stimulants, just a weaker form. Slightly disappointing, not a whole lot stronger than coffee really. Next time maybe I'll try more but I kind of want to take this as prescribed to see if it helps with my ADHD. We'll see.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 105757
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Apr 29, 2020Views: 1,281
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Pharms - Methylphenidate (114) : Medical Use (47), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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