Modern humans must learn how to relate to psychoactives
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Power Surge Building Up
Products - Spice-Like Smoking Blends ('Panic; Space Cadet')
Citation:   Shnockerd. "Power Surge Building Up: An Experience with Products - Spice-Like Smoking Blends ('Panic; Space Cadet') (exp105768)". May 27, 2021.

1 bowl smoked Products - Spice-Like Smoking Blends
First of all, a little history of myself. Having been a weed smoker and sometimes heavy drinker for years, I felt I had a high tolerance to anything. I got a job with drug testing so I thought there goes the weed smoking.

I have to find an alternative. I noticed the latest craze of herbal incense at the head shop, so I started buying a bag every week and experimenting. I must have tried everything on the shelves over the course of a year. I liked the Spike silver the best (good euphoria, not too scary). Anyway I started to just stay at home and smoke daily. Had a few semi-rough times on Panic. The first time I smoked it I got stomach ache and naseau (had to suck down a bunch of water and found myself holding onto the top of the door in an anxiety type situation). Not really knowing what to do almost confused feeling.

No biggie; I kept up my antics for a year with no problems. Then, I started smoking Space Cadet daily. It was great for the first few bags. Good trip, but controllable, lasted about 45 minutes or so. Anyway the point of the story is: I opened a fresh bag of Space Cadet one day and it was a little moister than the previous bags. So I loaded a bowl and cashed it. Oh, no big mistake, I suddenly found my legs going numb and cramping uncontrollably and just layed on the floor. Then, I had a huge power surge (if you will) start at my feet and rush all thru my body to my head. I literally had my ears ringing and thought the pressure might cause my head to explode. I continued to lay in the floor (basically paralyzed for 20 more minutes. . . . then I had the strangest feeling that I was out of my body (looking at my body from a 3rd person point of view and feeling like the devil was just waiting for me to die). Scary stuff. Any way I tossed the rest of my Space Cadet in the trash and I've stayed away from synthetic stuff for 4 years now.

For up to a year after I quit smoking, I still felt anxiety and had nerve and muscle pains at times. It also seems like my eyesight went from very good to fair.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 105768
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 39
Published: May 27, 2021Views: 744
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