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An Evening with 'The Nanganator'
Nitrous Oxide
Citation:   Mellow+Sensible. "An Evening with 'The Nanganator': An Experience with Nitrous Oxide (exp10577)". Erowid.org. Jul 18, 2017. erowid.org/exp/10577

  repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  12 carts. inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
There are many ways to stat this off. I think I'll start with some background.

I'm a very sensible 15 year old that has only been introduced to drugs this year. It started with pot during school lunch times, getting *hooked* and quitting. By hooked I mean getting a 1/4 once every 2 weeks and smoking cones every night from the time I got home till I went to bed. I live in a 'bungalow' thing outside so I can get away with anything without my parents knowing.

After getting down all the time (I dislike the word 'depression') I realized it was time to quit. I have tried a small dose of acid and liked it and have been wanting to do it again (this is 6 moths after my last dose). That's pretty much my drug experience.

I have always been a very shy guy with low self-esteem since my early school years and in my first year at high school sustained a nasty back injury from a girl (which makes it worse, 'cos when I tell people they say 'A girl!!') that had a pretty shitty home life.

I changed schools and am doing better, slowly but surely. Anyway, enough, on to the nitrous.

I was introduced to Nitrous unexpectedly by a friend (D, for now) when we were smoking pot all day with his sister and another girl. We met more people at night in the city and went to see an insane movie. I had been told about Nitrous by D and liked what I heard, but when D said that he had Nangs (I'll explain the name below) and another guy said he had a Nanganator (Creame Whipper) we drove to his place to pick it up and the drove back to D's.

Note: My friend and I call Nitrous Nangs becuase we hear this amusing little NANGA NANGA NANGA sound when we do them.

I'll cut straight to the chase. I had about 15 in the course of 10 mins (keep in mind we were stoned like you wouldn't believe) and through many, many experiments since, pot increases the effects of Nitrous exponentially. I went into a full on trip. It started with auditory hallucinations. Sound distorted, background noise like air blowing made like a *woooosh wosh woosh wooooooooooooosh* sort of sound (NOT like a wah wah padel). The my vision started getting *blocky* with tints of green and red in pattern that I've always wanted to draw but couldn't. My body felt like I had taken a mass of speed and a mass of a huge downer. A simple moment like biting a lip or rubbing my nose felt numb (like analgesea) so I couldn't bit my lip till it hurt but I knew that I was biting it too hard. That effect was like being very, very, very drunk.

The during the 'peak' of the 10th Nang, my vision got fucked over big time. Like when I turned my head, I would still be seeing things of 30 seconds beforehand. At the point I had the sensation that I was stretching my legs (this meant I was standing up, even though I couldn't see it). Then felt like I was falling and eventually felt like I had been punched in the face. I closed my eyes thinking 'I'm never coming back....FUCK', and 'Oh this is beautiful' at the same time. I came to a minute later I could hear a mumbling noise and over 2 minutes the noise went from almost inaudible to soft murmer to almost coherent voice of D. I opened my eyes and was looking straight down a tunnel. It took me some time to realize that this 'tunnel' was actually D's crotch as he was kneeling over me trying to wake my limp body that had passed out completely.

It took me another 5 minutes to be able move but I kept telling him 'I'm okay, I'm okay', just to reassure him.

That was my first experience.

Now for the side effects of prolonged, heavy use. After having 10 every night for 6 nights consecutively, I notice a numb tingling feeling in my fingers and toes. On the 6th night I went to wrap my violin is a silk scarf as I usually do (keep in mind I've been playing for 10 years so I know how to wrap the thing), I stood there for 10 minutes, no joke, wondering 'How the bloody fuck does this work?!?' It freaked me out good and I stop my use immediately and I noticed the improvement just as quick.

Some of the effects I experienced were truly frightening, I will be cautious going forwards as now know reality is always waiting after using the drugs.

Thank you all, and sorry for the long post.
Mellow+Sensible all the way from Australia

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 10577
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 18, 2017Views: 1,202
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