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An Endlessly Fascinating Drug
Citation:   Grace. "An Endlessly Fascinating Drug: An Experience with LSD (exp105807)". Jun 16, 2020.

T+ 0:00
  oral Pharmaceuticals (daily)
  T+ 0:00 1 hit oral LSD  
  T+ 1:30 1 bowl smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 3:30 1 bowl smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 3:45   oral Alcohol - Hard  
  T+ 6:30 1 bowl smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 10:30 1 bowl smoked Cannabis  
Let's start this off by stating that I'm not an experienced tripper. I've done LSD twice before this particular experience, and I believe the first time it was actually something else. I've consumed mushrooms approximately six times, but have never taken more than an eighth at a time. Nevertheless, I've been a daily weed smoker for about 5 years now. I am twenty years old, female, and weigh about 135 pounds.

To give you a very brief background of my previous experience, you should probably know that I had a rocky relationship with Acid/LSD after my first experience. As mentioned above, I believe my first dose was something a little different than LSD, as I was having some extreme ego loss and intense visuals despite only taking one hit. I wasn’t in a particularly good setting at the time, however, and I don’t believe that I was fully prepared for the effects. Still, it was eye opening and I felt the call to do it again, in a better mindset, so that I could experience more positive aspects of it. My second time around, I was in my house, and it was a truly lovely experience. The visuals were beautiful, and I spent most of my time walking the beach and standing on jetties while waves crashed against my legs. I believe that my second experience helped my overcome the fear that I had felt since my previous trip. Still, I didn’t have the time or energy to take the drug again until about six months later, which brings me to this particular trip, which has definitely shown me all of the wonderful things that LSD can do.

I bought the little square of blotter acid from one of my friends during the Saint Patrick’s Day parade in my hometown. It had perforated edges, with an almost plaid-like design on it, and a pink line going diagonally across it. Since I was already drunk and around a lot of people, I decided to wait until the next day to actually take it. My last two experiences were at night, and this time I wanted to trip during the day so that I could know what it was like.

On the morning of, I woke up very early. Around 7:30 AM, I was lying in my bed trying to decide what time I wanted to drop in, and eventually decided that 8:30 AM would probably be good so that I could be peaking around 11 AM when I planned to really start my day. My mindset was actually very good at the time. It had been months since my last trip, but I felt mentally prepared and excited. My friend had spent the night and was still sleeping, but I knew that we had a fun day ahead of us. We had spent the previous at the parade and had a wonderful time. My relationship with my S/O was going really well, and I remember feeling very happy and content with my life before taking the dose.
I remember feeling very happy and content with my life before taking the dose.
I put the strip of paper on my tongue 8:30 AM, and then took to watering my plants as I waited for the dose to kick in. It was around 9:15 when I started to feel the effects, as I recall looking at the crown molding in my house and it appeared to have little lines of bright colors trimming the edges of it. I decided to jump in the shower, for what reason I don’t know, I just figured that it would feel good and that the smell of nice shampoo would be pleasant. Boy, was I right!

In the shower, the water felt incredible against my skin, nothing like my experiences with mushrooms in which I was really sensitive to hot water. Shaving cream was absolutely hilarious to me, and I kept spraying it all over my hand and playing it with. I felt quite ridiculous, as I was laughing and having a great time while simply taking a shower, but I am a bit of a kid at heart and I was just trying to have a good time. I remember looking at the palms of my hand while the water splashed against it and thinking how cool it looked, and I was amazed by all the way the lines in the tile seemed to form a pattern around my entire field of vision. At one point, I dropped my razor out of the shower and couldn’t find it, and thought that I was imagining holding it, but realized how ridiculous that was eventually found it laying outside of the curtain. I knew at that point that I was in a fun ride, and there was permanent smile across my face as I turned off the water, put on a towel, and brushed my hair. Once dried off and dressed, I felt the need to hear music, so I flipped some on and packed a bowl.

The music sounded wonderful at this point. I could hear every different instrument being played separately, but at the same time I noticed how they all worked together to create one melody. It was very interesting, and around this time (10:00 AM), my friend woke up. I was feeling the effects greatly at this point, so we turned on a show about weird paranormal experiences or something. I remember them talking about different realities and shadow people and I felt very interested but also weirded out, especially after smoking weed. It had given me a bit of a bad vibe, and I felt the urge to get out of the situation. I guess now I probably could have just turned the show off, but that didn’t seem to come to mind at the time, and at any rate I wanted to go outdoors. I decided to go on a walk, and since my friend wasn’t ready to go out, I set out on my own.

At this time it was around 11:30, so I figured that I was probably peaking. My thoughts began to race as I considered humanity, my self-identity, and reality. I remember pondering how every thought and experience led humans to form opinions, thus forming their own perceptions and their own reality. I thought about time travel, and the inaccuracy of my own perceptions. As I passed my giant oak trees, I reflected on the fact that it started from just a tiny seed, and that everything in my own life is just a seed that can grow into giant things. I remember thinking that as long as you plant good seeds, you can form your own reality and make it as wonderful as you’d like. While it was wonderful, and offered some powerful introspection, it did make me a little anxious. I’m generally a bit of a control freak, so all of the racing thoughts made me a bit uncomfortable although the ideas that I had formed allowed me to control the situation, and as long as I remained positive, everything was bright and happy.

I must have walked for a long time, because my trip got harder as I went along. The trees seemed to be speaking to me, and I could feel each of their essences and personalities as I walked past them. The massive Live Oak trees were groaning like an old man, the dainty flowers danced and giggled in the wind, and vines seemed to creep and crawl across the landscape. None of this was very overwhelming, I remember feeling in control and powerful. Ideas of grandiosity formed in my mind as I felt like I had the power to understand plants and the nature around me, although I was fully aware that I had taken a drug and was obviously not godly in any way.

When I finally made it back to my street, it made me feel anxious to see trash lying on the ground. I went around and picked up litter and threw it in my outside trash can, because I felt like Mother Nature shouldn’t be tarnished by people’s trash. For about ten minutes I walked around outside picking up trash. After I had gotten almost all of it up, I felt very relieved and like I had done a good deed for Earth. This is probably ridiculous, but at the time it seemed necessary. I’ve always had a very profound attachment to the world around me, and my recent venture into the world of gardening probably led me to do this. I just felt like leaving trash outside was a slap in the face to nature. After I finished, I walked back inside where I found my friend, let’s call her E, awake and getting ready to head out for our day. I packed another bowl, smoked it, then got dressed and packed my stuff to go to the beach. I should mention that I live on a small island, and the beach was just a mile down the road. It was a beautiful March day and the sun was bright in the sky. When we got in the car, E drove and I sat in the passenger seat as we went to the other side of the island where to beach was. Once we got there, we put out towels and poured ourselves a mixed drink of whiskey and coke.

At this point, it was probably around 12:45 or 1:00 PM, and the effects of the LSD were wearing. I remember basking in the sun and wanting to roll in the sand or swim in the ocean, I just felt incredibly in touch with my surroundings and longed to be enveloped in nature. I drank about two mixed drinks, and an hour later, E and I decided to get up and go walk through the nearby shops. I remember feeling very hungry around this time, which seemed weird to me because I had never felt hungry during other trips. We went out onto the main strip, where I bought myself and peanut butter cup ice cream cone and then set off to walk around the shops. These were mostly tourist places, with your typical beach nonsense. Being a local, I never really bought anything from these places, but they are fun to window shop in. Still, I was drawn in by the bright colors of everything. I felt like a little kid in a candy shop, as if I was seeing things for the first time and was absolutely amazed by the colors and interesting objects found within. I was playing with toys, and spent a large amount of time watching the hermit crabs that these places sold as pets within. Everything felt alive, intense, and surreal. I ended up buying some very bright bumper stickers and a new belly button ring. It just felt right for some reason.

After shopping around, E and I realized that the weather had taken a turn for the worse. Clouds were now covering the sky, and a strong wind was tearing through town. She had been talking to one of her close friends, C, and he was planning on driving out to the beach to pick us up and take us in town since the weather had gotten bad. E drove back to my house and I smoked another bowl as she took a shower and got ready. I could feel the effects dwindling now, it was about 3 PM, or 7 hours after I had taken the dose. Fractals were still apparent if I focused hard on objects, and my mind was still thinking deep thoughts, but it wasn’t nearly as intense as it was before. I remember trying to watch videos and take large hits of weed in an attempt to prolong the effects. I don’t think it did much though.

On the drive into town with E and her friend C, I was very quiet. I sat in the back of the car with sunglasses on, and didn’t say a word. The windows were down and the wind felt excellent against my face. It took us a long time to find parking once we were in town, and I found myself to be very hungry and annoyed that we couldn’t find a space so that we could go in and eat. It also took us a while to walk to the restaurant we had decided to go to, and I felt very dreary and a little confused as we worked our way towards the destination. When we finally got there, we were seated and I immediately ordered. It was amazing to me how hungry I was, but once the food arrived, I was in heaven. Everything tasted absolutely wonderful to me, and once I was full I was struck with a second wind of energy. We finished up our meal and went to walking around outside and in stores. At this point a headache began to cause me a great deal of pain, and even though I still felt a little bit of confusion and some slight tracers, I was mostly down from my trip. After walking around for about an hour, we returned the car and C drove us back home. It was about 7 PM at this point, and I lit another bowl. The weed gave me a few more effects of the LSD, but it was mostly unpleasant and made me anxious. The television was on and the flashes were making me jittery, but the overall positive experience that I had was enough to keep me in a good mindset. Plus, there were virtually no effects remaining from the trip.

Deciding that I should try to get some sleep, I took a Benadryl and some ZZZQuil around 9 PM. I also took my regularly prescribed antidepressant and vitamins. My boyfriend called me and told me that he loved me very much, which I remember made me feel extraordinarily happy. I laid down on the couch and watch TV before I began to feel very sleepy, at which point I turned over and fell into a sound slumber. I can’t recall having any dreams, and I didn’t wake up at all throughout the night. I woke up the next morning around 10:30 AM, and felt very well rested and rejuvenated. The experience left me amazed and perplexed by the wonders of this drug. I felt is I had completely made peace with LSD, and the previous bad experience that I had was nothing but a far off memory. I felt excited to try again, and there was a sense of power from having such a good trip. It seemed like I had gained knowledge on how to control my trip and think positively so that I could always have a good time while on it.

I haven’t tried it again since, but I know that I will sometime soon. I have immense respect and very positive feelings towards this drug. I know that I’ve only delved in the shallow waters, but I feel that it can offer some extremely powerful knowledge. I have a working understanding on what it does to my brain, and the things that I can learn from it. The thing that surprised me most about this experience was how hungry I was, and how easy it was to control it. If I ever felt bad, I could just put a smile on my face and I would instantly feel better. Colors would look darker if sadness came over me, but within seconds, positive thinking would lift the world into brightness, and I felt like I had the power to control anything. Everything causes a ripple, and our perceptions form our own reality. Perceiving things as positive, even when it’s not working out, can not only bring me peace while I'm tripping, but it has the power to completely change my everyday life. I feel that my life has been enhanced from this experience, and I’m very excited to swim deeper into the unknown. I will stress the power that it can have however. This is a very powerful thing, and learning how to handle it is crucial. Lucy is one of the most enlightening things that I’ve ever done, but like everything, there are some drawbacks. It is truly a fascinating and wonderful thing when I learn how to control it.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 105807
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Jun 16, 2020Views: 922
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LSD (2) : Combinations (3), Nature / Outdoors (23), General (1), Various (28)

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