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Beautifully Awake
Modafinil (Provigil)
Citation:   Pro Vigilance . "Beautifully Awake: An Experience with Modafinil (Provigil) (exp105808)". Oct 18, 2020.

225 mg oral Pharms - Venlafaxine (daily)
  10 mg oral Pharms - Aripiprazole (daily)
  200 mg oral Modafinil (pill / tablet)
I have been suffering from depression for many years and take 225 mg of Effexor along with 10 mg of Abilify daily. I also have been suffering from daytime sleepiness and fatigue which I believe is being caused by sleep apnea. I went to my doctor today and told her about my daytime sleepiness problem and asked her if I could be tested for sleep apnea and I also told her that I had been researching Modafinil and thought it might be of some benefit to me.

My doctor at first said that after she found out what was causing my daytime sleepiness she would prescribe Modafinil but changed her mind after a few minutes into the conversation and went ahead and prescribed it today... Lucky me! I took 2 100 mg tablets at around 11 A.M. It is now about 2 P.M. And I feel great. It is definitely not a feeling of being 'High' like when I have done cocaine or meth but more of a soft feeling of energy and a very clear mind. I also notice my mood has improved it is definitely not euphoric but it is nice. I also notice my usual fatigue is gone and I feel more motivated when I walk I feel like I am much lighter.

Overall so far I am happy with Modafinil it makes me awake and alert. It also seems to help with my depression symptoms much better than the actual antidepressants themselves.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 105808
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 32
Published: Oct 18, 2020Views: 874
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Modafinil (217) : Alone (16), Depression (15), Medical Use (47), Combinations (3), First Times (2)

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