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Death and Rebirth
LSD & 2C-E
Citation:   Sinless. "Death and Rebirth: An Experience with LSD & 2C-E (exp105851)". May 22, 2018.

T+ 0:00
17 mg oral 2C-E
  T+ 1:10 300 ug sublingual LSD
6:00 PM - dosed ~17mg 2ce orally
7:10 PM - dosed 300ug LSD sublingually

8:00 PM - astounding visuals at this point
8:14 PM - Surroundings begin to vibrate and morph at astounding rates
8:20 PM - Listening to Trance/Trap and everything gains a red hue while morphing in synch with the music
8:55 PM - still peaking and beginning to wonder if I dosed too much
9:40 PM - switched music to Tycho because Trance/Trap is too trippy for me (can not perceive individual objects from the visuals at this point)

9:43 PM - say in skype chat “thank you lord I can still see at this point.” Friend responds, “If it’s anything like my experience you won’t be able to pretty soon.”
10:00 PM - Visuals have come off of surfaces into the open space in the room and are slowly “collapsing in” on my eyes to where I am beginning to go blind. At this point I put a hoodie over my eyes so I would not see my friends faces distort into pure visuals as I believed at the time this would freak me out in my fragile state of mind.
10:05 PM - I realize at this point that as my vision was fading, time was distorting to astounding rates. It had earlier seemed that when I placed the hoodie over my head I would be blind in a matter of minutes. It was now apparent that as every minute passed the next minute would be exponentially longer. This is when the thought loops started.
10:10 PM - At this point my roommate had told two of our closest friends what was happening and they came over as a crisis prevention squad.

10:15 PM - By this time I was on the 10th episode of my thought loop since it had started at 10:05 (what seemed to be somewhere around 2x2x2x2x etc [ 2^10 ] minutes in my mind, with a thought loop 2^10 times deep.) The complexity of this thought loop is nearly impossible to explain, but my friends were having conversations with me to keep my mind occupied and in my mind conversation was good but unfortunately I was almost incapable of carrying on this conversation. So what happened was I wanted my last thought before I went blind to be, “family, music, alive.” The thought of these three items made me believe that I could survive the temporary blindness
I wanted my last thought before I went blind to be, “family, music, alive.” The thought of these three items made me believe that I could survive the temporary blindness
and make it out of the trip without going into a full blown panic attack. In order for a thought loop to end I needed to repeat the phrase, “family, music, alive.” Although this seems easy it was not at the time. I would say the phrase and the music would get louder and I could hear my friends voices once again. We would carry on a conversation and then my brain and body would begin to hurt and that’s when I would start deconstructing the conversation all the way back until the first conversation we had until I remembered to say, “family, music, alive.” The longer it took me to repeat this phrase and the deeper into the thought loop and deconstruction of our conversation the more I would hurt. It was as if my body and mind were being crippled and the pain would become so apparent that I would begin to laugh hysterically and mumble gibberish until instantly I would remember the phrase again.

This thought loop continued for what I thought to be a life time condensed into 30 minutes since my roommates still had not taken the hoodie off my head. Apparently they forgot to take the hoodie off or thought it was better left on and in reality this thought loop had lasted over two hours. During this process I believed that I had ruined the process by forgetting the phrase too many times and I believed I had crippled my body completely. During this temporary blindness I had an out of body experience (staring down at my body on the couch) and seeing myself slowly become crippled.

When I regained vision and came to I woke up covered in my own urine. My friend led me to my bathroom where I was still rambling the phrase “family, music, alive.” I continued to take a shower and during this time I thought this was the final part of my thought loop where I would take a shower, go to my bed, and then my roommates would carry my existential body to my perception of my body that I had taken form of. I thought the final step was to reconnect the two forms of my body, fall asleep, and wake up in the afterlife, as at this point I truly believed I had failed the process and died.

I laid in bed still tripping until 6:00 AM, went to sleep, and woke up the next morning to write this report, alive and well.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 105851
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: May 22, 2018Views: 893
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LSD (2), 2C-E (137) : Combinations (3), Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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