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Best Boring Average Day
Alprazolam & Buprenorphine
Citation:   my_homiez_in_la. "Best Boring Average Day: An Experience with Alprazolam & Buprenorphine (exp105894)". Jan 11, 2018.

T+ 0:00
4 mg oral Pharms - Buprenorphine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:00 2 mg oral Pharms - Alprazolam (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:00 .5 mg sublingual Pharms - Alprazolam (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:10 1 mg sublingual Pharms - Buprenorphine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 3:45 1 mg oral Pharms - Buprenorphine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 3:45 .5 mg oral Pharms - Alprazolam (pill / tablet)
  T+ 4:40 1 hit smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Today at around 12 noon my grandma ask me to hop on the bus from LA to west covina to pick up some money her friend barrowed from her. My grandma gave me $15 I told her it fine but she insisted so I was like what the hell. Well today I was trying to decide what I was gonna buy, my mind was on weed because I ran out 2 days ago, or some spray paint because I only had 2 black allcity can and one 600ml rustoleoum white can and wanted to painting on the way over there and back ( I love graffiti) luckily I decided to look through my uncles dresser because his door was unlocked which usually locked. Sometimes my uncle has some decent stuff like morphine, codeine, tramadol, soma, and darvecot. But today I got lucky and found some old prescriptions for suboxone and xanax. I took 2 of each which was 4mg of suboxone and 2mg of xanax. I've never tried either of them so I was really excited and happy I didn't have to waste the money on weed and I could buy some paint.

1:00- I'm on the bus I put .5mg of xanax under my tongue.
1:10- I place 1mg of suboxone under my tongue.

1:40- still on the bus and feeling very good my body feels heavy like soma but more sedating than drunk feeling, also feel very euphoric. At this point I'm striking conversations with total strangers lol.

2:30- Picked up the money. Still feeling great walking back to the bus stop.

2:50- I started nodding out on the bus stop bench, really didn't expect to hit this hard.

3:00- Riding the bus listening to my ipod lisenting to blue oyster cult don't fear the reaper feeling really good getting lost in the music while thinking of ideas for the tags and pieces I'm going to do when I get back to LA.

3:45- back in LA, I take another suboxone 1mg and another .5 xanax, I head to starbucks and get a mocha frappochino tasted bomb as hell especially to wake me up a little. Then o head to home depot I'm in luck the paint rack cage os open I get 2 blue rustos paint, 2 orange ones, and one black. Then head down to an art store down the street that sells higher standard paint and bought 3 montana hardcores 1 orange 1 green and 1 light purple.

4:00- hit up the sides of the top of the bridge walls and paint 2 throw ups both white and black bubble letters (usually wouldn't do something that visible during the day but the xanax has me very confident and worry free) after I go to a street under the free way and do one throw up graffiti block letters in orange with blue outline.

4:40- feeling second dose very good. Saw my friend who sometimes write with and he was smoking a joint which took a hit from which really lit up my high more. Him and I head underneath the bridge to paint. I ended up working on a wildstyle piece with a half orange half light purple fill in, a dark blue outline and green background also bordering the outside blue outline, then used the white paint to add a shine effect. With the remaining paint we went to the train tracks to get up some simple trowups and throwies (bubble and block letters without fill ins).

7:00- got back home took the rest of my stash kicked back and relaxed fell into a great twilight sleep having sweet dreams waking up here and there.

I've tried every opiate there is in the past, with suboxone being my first time today and I could truly say ice cube is right, today was a good day!

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 105894
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Jan 11, 2018Views: 3,764
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Pharms - Alprazolam (98), Pharms - Buprenorphine (265) : General (1), Combinations (3), Various (28)

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