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Wave of Pain and Nausea
Cacti - T. pachanoi & Methadone
Citation:   Tarmonkey666. "Wave of Pain and Nausea: An Experience with Cacti - T. pachanoi & Methadone (exp105912)". Erowid.org. Jun 1, 2018. erowid.org/exp/105912

72 mg oral Methadone (daily)
  30 in   Cacti - T. pachanoi (tea)
    repeated smoked Cannabis  
Methadone Mescaline Drug Interaction

I had a rather difficult experience last night and figured I could maybe save someone else the trouble of going through 12 hrs or more of the most intense nausea they're likely to experience.

I've been on the methadone program for addiction to heroin and other opiates for a little over 6 months. I was up to 90mg a day and have tapered down to 72mg. Anyone who's been on a methadone regiment knows going down on your dose can be difficult. You can feel just like you're withdrawing from heroin or other opiates if you go down too much at once. So last time I went down 5mg and was sick for weeks. This time I went down 2mg and didn't feel a thing. Until I drank some San Pedro tea that is.
I went down 2mg and didn't feel a thing. Until I drank some San Pedro tea that is.

My best friend is moving out of state in 2 weeks so we decided to take a Pedro trip. I had discovered a nice 4 column specimen along the side of the road so my friend and I returned with small duffel bag and my hatchet. In about a dozen strokes of the hatchet we had just over 5ft of Pedro with columns with the circumference of 8-10in. Plenty for 2 people. We took it home, prepared it by cutting out the spines,cutting the flesh away from the core in strips, throwing the strips in a food processor and boiling the sludge in water and lemon juice. Once it came to a boil, we switched it to a steady simmer, and stirred often for 4 hrs. Then we strained the liquid and put it in a container in the freezer to wait for next week.

We took our doses at 8:45PM on the night of the Blood Moon/Lunar Eclipse. Then we began the long trek from my friend's house to mine, about 8 miles. About an hour into the walk my friend puked along the side of the road and then felt much better. About 15min later I did the same and felt better too. This is normal for a mescaline experience, especially in the form of a cactus tea so we weren't too concerned. After a while I started to feel queasy again and let more cacti chunks fly. This time it was a much more intense vomiting session but again I felt MUCH better when I was done and we continued walking, joking and smoking some good bud (Chernobyl was the name of the strain) to combat the nausea. We passed the point where what was left of the Pedro stood and we thanked it for its gift and kept moving. A ways down the road I was hit by an even more violent bout of vomiting and this time succeeded in getting a great deal of it on my shoes. I took about 20 more steps and started sweating profusely, but a cold feverish sweat, every muscle in my body clenched and began to spasm violently. I threw up again and again and again. It was coming out of my nose and mouth and I was just standing on the side of the road. All it would take would be for a cop to roll by for me to end up in jail so we kept moving.

By this time we were about 3 miles from my house and I was feverish and sick. I told my friend, 'This HAS to be from the methadone and I'm sure going down on my dose didn't help.' 'Yeah, it has to be the methadone.' he said, 'Because I feel great!' I was glad one of us did, especially him. We were doing this as a kind of farewell trip and I was really hoping his first mescaline experience would be a positive one (he ended up telling me it was the most amazing experience of his life). I ended up puking at least a dozen or more times and was covered in vomit and freezing with cold sweat at this point. I couldn't make the last mile so I called my mom for a ride and told her I was sick from going down on my dose and we had a few drinks at the bar and I started blowing chunks. She bought it and took us back to the house. I told my friend to make himself at home and I went and crawled into the shower to puke for another 45min or so. I got out and my friend saw I still looked like death and opted to go on alone to finish his trip so I could crawl under the blankets, smoke weed and puke in private. I told him that was probably for the best and apologized profusely because this was probably our last night to hang out for the rest of our lives and it was supposed to be an amazing, spiritual experience between 2 long time friends. He was very understanding as always and we parted ways.

I spent the rest of the night in bed, in total darkness. I couldn't even listen to music because too much sound would make me puke again. Then around 3AM I felt the methadone withdrawal come hit me in a HUGE wave of pain and nausea
around 3AM I felt the methadone withdrawal come hit me in a HUGE wave of pain and nausea
. Plus at the same time I was at the peak of my trip. I was literally screaming in pain and woke up my mom and step dad who were just in time to see me puke up about 1/2 a gallon of brown San Pedro liquid. They asked if there was anything else they could do for me. I explained that it's the methadone and I just have to ride this out the best I can. And I did. I had some intense visuals by this point but I couldn't really enjoy them because all I could really do was lay in bed with the lights off and my eyes closed because if I moved I would puke again.

Finally around 9AM I was feeling much less nauseous and had my mom drive me up to the clinic. I usually walk but not today. It's 11:18AM and I've managed to eat and keep down a bagel with cream cheeses and I'm drinking gatorade to try to replenish the fluids I lost last night. I better rest up. Gotta be up at 3AM tomorrow and pull a 10 hr shift!

So moral of the story is, METHADONE and MESCALINE DO NOT MIX! Especially if you have lowered your dose in the same week! BE careful out there fellow Intronauts!

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 105912
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 31
Published: Jun 1, 2018Views: 1,833
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Cacti - T. pachanoi (64) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Hangover / Days After (46), Health Problems (27), Combinations (3)

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