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Not a Bad Trip but a Hard One
Citation:   cbfloor. "Not a Bad Trip but a Hard One: An Experience with LSD (exp105928)". Jul 31, 2019.

  oral LSD
This was my second time taking LSD. About 5 months before, I took some at a close friend's house and had a wonderful time. It also had lasting effects: before I took acid, I struggled with self-harm and suicidal thoughts, to the point where I was cutting on an almost-daily basis. After that first time with acid, I never got the urge to cut, and still don't.
After that first time with acid, I never got the urge to cut, and still don't.

Anyway, the second time, I was with the same friends, but we had traveled about 4 hours to visit their friends who I had never met. This is where I should have been more careful. The night before, there was also a lot of fighting between my mom and brother. My dad was also in the hospital and I was worried about him because I was so far away and unable to get to him if he needed me for some reason (which wouldn't have happened, but it affected my mindset). Because of all these things, I probably shouldn't have taken the acid, but we had been planning it for a while and I figured that it would help me to feel better.

As the acid started to kick in, I started laughing uncontrollably and was lying on the floor in a pile of blankets and pillows. I had buried my face in them. Then I couldn't stop laughing and started crying. The closed-eye hallucinations were pretty strong and were related to colors and patterns from my childhood. I had an anxiety attack and was afraid that everybody was worried about me, which made me cry more. I asked everybody what they would say if my dad called and needed me. I started babbling about all the bad shit in my life, but then I started to feel better. However, I still felt my heart beat really fast, and this continued until I had come down completely.

The rest of the night was good, but the comedown the next day was a nightmare. On the car ride back to my friend's house, I was still basically tripping- music sounded different and I couldn't get to sleep. We got back and I was exhausted but determined to drive back to my house so I could go to bed. This didn't happen because I was still coming down and I had to stay at his house. My heart was still racing and I felt like I was in the aftermath of a panic attack. I explained all this and started to feel really bad, talked about how I shouldn't have done acid and needed to be more careful. I slept for an hour at his house but had to get back home because my mom was worried about me. I wasn't tripping anymore but still coming down and was afraid to drive. Nothing bad happened, but I needed to concentrate super hard and was just incredibly nervous- keep in mind that my heart was STILL racing. I did get home and finally fell asleep, but it was a difficult, exhausting trip.

My advice is that even if you've made plans, you have to be really careful about your environment and mindset. Be in a familiar place, even if you've done acid before, and if you've been beset by a bunch of personal tragedy, don't do it.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 105928
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Jul 31, 2019Views: 653
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LSD (2) : Hangover / Days After (46), Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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