Sadly Not What I Was Expecting
Amanita muscaria
Citation:   haalleeee. "Sadly Not What I Was Expecting: An Experience with Amanita muscaria (exp105965)". May 15, 2021.

T+ 0:00
7 g oral Amanitas (dried)
  T+ 3:00 3 - 5 g oral Amanitas (dried)
For the past few weeks, I had been researching a lot of 'legal highs.' It wasn't that I just wanted to get high, I wanted to have some kind of insightful experience - everything was going great in life but I felt as if I was missing something, so I decided to try Amanita Muscaria after hearing good things about it.

I chose an online vendor and ordered 1/2 ounce of some broken (they were cheaper) Grade A+, Washington State caps. I had a whole Friday off from work/school and all week I mentally prepared myself for the trip I was hoping for. Friday rolled around and I was very excited and ready to try the mushrooms! I was out and about all morning, and when I got home it was lunchtime, so I added half my Amanitas (about 7 grams, I eyeballed half of the bag of the caps) to some homemade soup and drank some ginger tea to help with any nausea that might come along later. A lot of people complain about the taste of the mushrooms, but I've always loved regular ones so the taste didn't bother me at all! Just slightly earthy. I ate my soup and drank the broth left, and watched TV for the rest of the afternoon.

I didn't feel effects after about an hour. I didn't really feel anything at all after two hours either. I was relaxed, and just wanted to lay down, so I got in my bed with Netflix. I remember feeling very drowsy and relaxed but still able to pay attention to the TV show, and the next thing I knew, a phone call was waking me up. I had fallen asleep very suddenly and very deeply - my hour long nap was seriously some of the best sleep I'd ever had in my life! I went back to replay the part of an episode I'd missed, and I remembered a character saying one line, but not the next one a few seconds later - that's how quickly I had fallen asleep!

I want to note that I had eaten more of the mushrooms before I fell asleep - somewhere between 2 and 3 hours after the initial dose. Overall, I ended up eating about 10-12 grams (again, eyeballing it by what's left in the bag, because I don't have a scale).

Before I fell asleep, I was hoping that the drowsiness would pass and things would really get good and I'd start having changes in perception and vision, but I knew it wasn't going to happen. I still hoped something would change after I woke up from the nap, but nothing ever did. At one point, my hand looked/felt a bit funny, as if it weren't really mine, when I was petting my cat, but it wasn't that dramatic at all.

I continued to watch TV for about an hour after I woke up, and then I started feeling like I really wanted to get some work done. I did some dishes and painted a small piece of furniture I had been meaning to, and then decided to go to the store. I was definitely functioning normally and driving didn't feel odd at all.

I think I may be weird and my body requires higher doses of botanicals. I have tried Calea Z multiple nights in a row with the plant from different sources, changing doses and dose times - nothing, Even when I've smoked weed I didn't feel much - and that was taking as many puffs as more experienced smokers with higher tolerances with me! However, edibles seem to work well for me.

I had started looking into other options like Amanitas and Calea because I don't have a source for pot and I don't like feeling lethargic and boring - I wanted something more insightful, that would bring me something. I definitely want to try Amanita Muscaria again, but I'll probably buy from a different source next time.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 105965
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: May 15, 2021Views: 625
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Amanitas - A. muscaria (70) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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