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Nausea, Then It Got Good
Morning Glory
Citation:   Daffy Das. "Nausea, Then It Got Good: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp10601)". Feb 8, 2009.

7.0 g oral Morning Glory (seeds)
    oral Dimenhydrinate  
A particular group within my friends have been experimenting with various legal drugs over the past two years, and have had both limited and exceptional successes. My friend 'SoUl' had informed our group about his wonderful experience with the psychedelic plant called: morning glory. He had taken 8 g, and absolutely loved his experience (which included a detailed, and funny discussion with a cat). Naturally, after hearing such a glowing report, I had to try it; so my good friend 'T' and I made our way to the local Grocery store...

We decided that with such names as: Heavenly Blue, Flying Saucers, and Pearly Gates we were in for some real fun! We bought 2 packs of Heaveny, 2 of saucers, and 2 of a mixed variety. Each pack contained 1.8 g, and we planned to take roughly 6 g each. We sat in his room (which is seperate from the main house), and proceded to eat the seeds straight from the packs. The seeds had a slightly metallic taste, but I had no difficulty in eating all of them. Soon after eating them my parents called up to his house and informed me it was time to come home. The effects began to kick in as I sat watching TV with my parents....

I felt a wave of nausea, and has some auditory and visual distortions. While making my way to the bathroom I began to feel more intensified nausea, and when I was in there I began to imagine I couldn't catch my breath. I threw up, and told my parents good night. I took some dramamine, which really helped with the nausea, but I was still panicking a little about the breathing. I put on Pink Floyd (Dark Side of the Moon), and really enjoyed it (still trying to ignore respiration). I felt i had to remind myself to breath and was too afraid to fall asleep (what if I died?). These feelings intensified until I came to the conclusion that if I was going to die than it was better now, listening to floyd and seeing beautiful images in my mind. This is when it got really good.

I decided to preoccupy my attention by wandering around my room, experiencing it in a new way. Things seemed more meaningful in there, but I felt there was nothing to connect to... it was all blissfully unimportant, yet so funny to 'have' these things. They were all gimmicks toys. Nako (the cat living in my house) sat watching me the whole time with a peculiar smile on her face. She seemed to say, 'Thank you, you've finally woken up to my world!' I laughed and tried to communicate with her, but she was too stubborn (uncaring) to respond. This was even funnier. Then I remembered my pal 'T' was probably soaring too, and decided to call him and make sure he was ok. *ring*, he answers after one ring and a tired voice says,'hello.'

'Hey 'T', your shit working?'

'Uh, yeah'

'I think mine is staring to wear off.'


'Just checking to see if your alright.'


I later found out he was tripping bad and hard when I called.

My trip seemed to fade in and out. One second I connected, the next I was gone again. My safe harbor when tripping in my house is the big upstairs bathroom. I went in there and noticed how large my pupils were, and the childish grin i wore on my face. It was great. I made my back to my room where, my cat and I wandered for hours; until I finally was able to fall asleep.

Overall, it was good except for the horrible nausea, and bouts of paranoia. I would do it again, but with seeds that weren't from the bag; so I won't get any of the poison from them.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 10601
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 8, 2009Views: 9,116
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