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In School Just Wow
Citation:   TravisW. "In School Just Wow: An Experience with Hydrocodone (exp106026)". Sep 28, 2018.

20 mg oral Hydrocodone (pill / tablet)
  1300 mg oral Acetaminophen (pill / tablet)
Boredom is a terrible thing, so I'll jump right into this.

Note: My stomach is nearly empty and all I have is a bottle of water. No other controlled substances have been ingested within the past 36 hours, the last being Marijuana on the 18th of April at 21:30. I am writing this report on the 20th of April at 10:41.

I ingested two Watson 503's at exactly 10:30 this morning, in my English class. I'm a junior in high school who really doesn't care about anything... As I've said, boredom is a terrible thing. I gave a friend of mine 2 of the same pills and he seems to be very relaxed and out of it. He says he's in a very tranquil state of mind, he is about an hour in..

Now, I'm beginning to feel a slight pressure against the base of my right shoulderblade, and am starting to feel very ... Withdrawn from everything. My teacher is going on about some book with the class, and I'm writing this on my phone. My stomachs is growling... Maybe I should've eaten more. I'm pretty happy to be honest. Well, content at the very least. My throat is beginning to feel constricted and it's becoming increasingly difficult to focus on things with my eyes and read the names of books on the bookshelf 7 feet to my left.

10:46 I spoke. Whoops. I said 'there could be a harp in the middle of the forest'. My teacher wasn't necessarily happy with that because she was like 'not in the middle of the civil war.' Now they're talking about distraction and tuning out the pain. Haha. That's coincidental considering what I took.
Wow I feel like more time has passed. Oh well.

10:49 My friend texted me because I asked how he was feeling. I snickered at his response and got some funny looks. He said he feels good, but he's distracted af. He tried three times to spell it right, so I'm assuming his vision isn't the best. Ha, I thin that's funny. People are stupid.

10:50 Apparently I know the answer to everything. My class is full of idiots I swear.
A thingy popped up saying I've spent 17 or so minutes writing this report. I'm really starting to feel the effects of the hydro,
TOI +21 minutes
My legs feel full of lead. Movement requires a hefty amount of effort, and voices are very loud to me. Almost painful... I can't really keep my attention locked on one thing so I'm just writing as I think. I feel very relaxed, like I've said before.
Damn I'm out of it.

10:56 My teacher asked us for an essay. I had to ask her 4 times what the question was because it was like I would hear her but I couldn't understand what she was saying in a logical manner. My thoughts are concise yet, very sporadic in nature. I must write an essay now and I have to pee. I wish I could focus more though, because it would be easier. I'm starting to lose focus in my eyes so I apologize if my writing is incoherent past this point.

11:02 I got up to turn in my essay, well, I tried. The second attempt was a success but at first I was too light to stand. When I finally did, I was extremely dizzy and I couldn't look up from my feet. I was really happy for some reason, like the fact that I was so out of it made me giddy. I feel really good. Oh, I said that out loud haha. I wonder if anyone noticed I'm high. I mean, I don't really care if they do or not I mean why should I? Lol. Oh well!!! Class is over, I've got to walk across campus now to physics.

11:14 Okay so I made it to my physics class. On te way here I heard someone say 'Dude he's so fucked up' and then someone else asked me what I've been smoking and yeah man. It was interesting. This garbage truck was backing out and that incessant beeping tire holes in my eardrums I swear

11:28 TOTALLY lost track of time. I've been working on this for almost an hour. Okay, so I got up to get some chips right? I had some cool ranch Doritos in my trombone case so I went and got them, while there I talked to someone about picking up some more hydro. I also sold them 3 acid tabs at $30 since I'm the only person who has it here. These chips were really good Oh my lord. I passed through the cafeteria and noticed how when I stopped to talk to a friend of mine it was like everything else slowed down and was under water or mud or some mud or ... Point is it was cool. Also, eating chips is super loud for some reason and my nose has been itching for awhile.

11:37 People are pissing me off. I'm kind of upset because I think my high is starting to taper off. Well, I guess it's more of dropping off considering it's happening very fast. I'm going to get some more.

Well, this has been my second time on hydrocodone. I am a regular user of pot, caffeine, and like to try various hallucinogens when I can. I used to be quite addicted to cocaine and OxyContin. This has overall been a nice, relaxing experience. I will definitely do it again. I may still be high I don't really know. I just feel tired and calm. Almost serene, really.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 106026
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Sep 28, 2018Views: 969
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Hydrocodone (111) : General (1), School (35)

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