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Ganesh Shared Consciousness
Citation:   Ataraxia. "Ganesh Shared Consciousness: An Experience with DMT (exp106061)". Erowid.org. Jun 11, 2020. erowid.org/exp/106061

2 hits smoked DMT (plant material)
I have had a total of 7 DMT experiences including the one that follows. Of these 7 I only had 4 true DMT trips. It has been my experience that I have been able to go further and deeper with each one.

I was at my friends house, he had eaten some mushrooms. I passed on the mushrooms because I knew I had a lot of graduate school work to partake in the next day. But I had brought my own tool for the night, some DMT. I'd had the DMT for about 3 months but had never found the right time to smoke it. This DMT was infused by my 'guy' into some kind of herb
This DMT was infused by my 'guy' into some kind of herb
, I was worried that this would make it less effective but this worry would be alleviated after my first inhalation.

Prior to my smoking we prepared the room. My friend lit incense and moved objects in the room around in the way that his mushroom trip seemed to indicate was most conducive to what I was about to experience. He and I sat in silent meditation for 10 minutes, I did a basic mindfulness meditation, I just kept returning to my breath. I did allow my attention to waver to various sensations in my forehead or back. It felt like my body/energy was getting ready. I put on a loop track of 'The Corridors of Time' from the video game Chrono Trigger. The volume was very low.

There was no water in his bong, I packed the bowl full of this strange herb infused with DMT. I became very anxious at this point. I always am struck by significant anxiety before a massive trip. I could feel my heart racing. I intentionally took slow and deep breaths. I was as mindful as I could be, drawing all of my attention to my breathing. After a little bit I realized 'I just have to do it.'

I lit the DMT and inhaled. I knew immediately that this was going to be a full blast off trip. I pulled the piece out and even more of the smoke entered into my lungs, there was more smoke than I could possibly inhale. I felt it immediately. Colors began to change and intensify, lights were shooting by, my body was riveted by sensations. I took another massive hit. I cannot remember if I took a third hit or not, I do know that after the last hit, whenever that was, I was fully tripping balls and put the bong down as quickly as I could. I lay back in my friends bean bag couch and closed my eyes.

I saw a pink circle, much like the circles seen during the beginning of the DMT trip in the movie 'Enter the Void', I recognized the resemblance and thought 'Haha, this is DMT alright.' Then I became nervous. My heart was racing incredibly fast, I was worried it was dangerous. A Buddha head, like that of a statue, floated into my awareness and then I thought 'You can control this with your breathing. Breath slow.' And slow breathing I did.

Then I found myself swimming in a purple and pink fluid. There were so many things coming and going through this place, I cannot remember them all. I started having thoughts that were trying to make sense of it all and they were unable to. Thoughts such as 'What is this? Is this the DMT world? I don't understand this.' Then I realized 'I am not going to understand this, put these thoughts aside for now and just be with the experience.' I put the thoughts aside and the trip became one of the most beautiful experiences I have ever had. This was the first time during a DMT trip where I was able to completely let go on my own and to do so in the beginning of the trip.

I saw two black centipede silhouettes that were swimming and staying on the edges of the purple fluid for much of the time. I knew these centipedes were positive creatures. I could sense other presences as well, all of them positive. I felt an overwhelming sense of beauty and appreciation. I said 'this is so beautiful' out loud.

I spent some time floating in this purple and pink world, completely in a state of awe of the beauty. I found myself appreciating this place so much. Some how life, death, this purple world as well as the physical world I had come from, all made sense. I cannot recall how I was able to make sense of it all. This was lost after the trip. My guess is that the human brain in its normal state is unable to comprehend these multiple aspects of reality.

A giant Buddha statue floated by me. Then I saw the face of Ganesh, it was so close to me. It made a face that told me 'you are going to like this' and then BAM, Ganesh was entering into my body. It felt amazing, like my entire body was experiencing orgasms. Soon after this the visuals began to disappear. I was sad to be leaving that place. I was still feeling all sorts of sensations in my body. It was as if the centipedes were still swimming through my body, it felt good. I felt like Ganesh was still inside me too. I wanted to cry from happiness. I did not understand what had happened but I knew that it was something beautiful and special.

I looked down at the bag where my DMT had resided and thought 'This is illegal. But I know in my heart that this is NOT wrong.'

I was excited to tell my friend about my experience. While we were debriefing the experience he said he closed his eyes and meditated during my trip, he said he was able to see some of what was happening for me. He tried to feed his own positive energy to my experience. He said he could see a purple stream rising up from my mouth, which was open throughout the trip apparently, and that there was a purple swirl of energy and stuff swimming above my head. He even said he saw insects! I was in shock at this, that he had seen insects as well. After we talked more though we realized we had seen different insects. I has seen centipedes, he had seen moths and butterflies. I suppose we did not see the exact same thing, but the similarities were so striking that I find myself inclined to believe that the boundaries between my consciousness and his were actually blurred during the experience. I had never had anything like that happen to me before, nor had he.

Ganesh is supposed to be a remover of obstacles. I felt like things opened up inside of me. I have always been very skeptical about supernatural beliefs but my past two DMT experiences have undermined my previous empiricist worldview
my past two DMT experiences have undermined my previous empiricist worldview
. The paradigm of scientific materialism is no longer working as a means of understanding my experiences. The experience felt just as real, maybe even more real in some ways, than this world right now where I am typing this trip-report.

I feel very positive about the experience, as does my friend who was able to see part of my trip. I feel like we broke through some barrier, I am sure it has been done before, but I always disbelieved such accounts. Now I know such things are possible. My world view needs some philosophizing to make sense of this!

I am left with a desire to meditate more often and to be more appreciative of this world as well as the next, or wherever that purple place was!

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 106061
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Jun 11, 2020Views: 648
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DMT (18) : Glowing Experiences (4), Entities / Beings (37), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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