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Speeded Up Reality
Citation:   E420z. "Speeded Up Reality: An Experience with 4-Methylmethcathinone (exp106131)". Nov 7, 2022.

  repeated insufflated 4-Methylmethcathinone (powder / crystals)
Insight From Experience

I've used 4-MMC for the last 6-7 years, there are reports that this is very addictive which is true whilst I'm 'up' however the day after when my nose hurts and my head's messed up I really won't want to begin again.

Used recreationally approximately once a month insufflating 1g-3g per session. Dose around 90-150mg per line and redosing approx every 20 minutes.

When I first use this substance I am likely to experience masses of euphoria, slight hallucinations, especially with closed eyes. This unfortunately seems to dull with each new session, now I am left with the speeded up reality, I have spent hours talking and walking on this substance, have walked 20 miles with absolutely no fatigue multiple times.

Though back to the effects, as a regular user I still get the euphoria each time, the first dose will feel strange and unusual which is why I ease into it with 90mg doses leading up to 150-200mg doses and no more than 2g per session. I have experimented with more than this but leads to weird paranoid hallucinations and a dirty high.

After the first dose has settled over the next 2-3 hours of redosing every 20-40 minutes I get that desired euphoria and feeling of invincibility, everything moves so quickly, pain and fatigue are non existent and I have never been anything less than ecstatically happy during this period.

After these initial good 2-3 hours due to the 'addictive' quality of this substance I crave and will probably continue to redose up to 7-8 hours in, hours 3-6 are still good, but I really just feel amazingly awake and talkative, music is amazing also during this period as I find that my focus has returned slightly.

Then comes the end, the comedown is not great, but mainly because I'm craving more to return to the feelings of the beginning of the session. This sadly never comes and it's best to wait 3 hours at which point all the walking, talking, dancing etc. I have done during the session catches up with me and makes me tired enough to chill out, with either a beer or benzo to kill the buzz if I'm looking to get a good nights sleep. But I'm careful not to mix these in too early on and wait at least an hour until after my last dose to avoid any unwanted 'blacking out' or combined reactions. Though good I've found these are best avoided.

In summary I've been using this substance monthly for the previous 6-7 years with no apparent negative effects, other than chasing that elusive high of the first ever line. I have something to eat and keep isotonic drinks handy if I'm going to be doing a lot of moving about to replace essential electrolytes lost in sweat.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 106131
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Nov 7, 2022Views: 394
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4-Methylmethcathinone (458) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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