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I Saw Triangles as Lights Became Lazers
LSD & Ketamine
by Bot
Citation:   Bot. "I Saw Triangles as Lights Became Lazers: An Experience with LSD & Ketamine (exp106156)". Erowid.org. Feb 19, 2016. erowid.org/exp/106156

T+ 0:00
  T+ 3:00 1 hit   LSD
It was going to be my 5th or 6th trip that day. It was a Wednesday at Burning Man and it was hot as usual. We were hanging out at our camp getting ready to listen to the mix I made prior. I wanted to get into the music more but it was too hot and I was tired from the prior day. My buddy offered me some Ketamine and I gladly took some. It was my 3rd time trying this stuff and 2 prior times I didn't really enjoy it that much. But this time was different. I was enjoying it very much. I was lying there lost in the music I mixed. After 3 hours my friend showed up and gave me a hit of acid.

--- This is when things started to get odd ---
Normally I love acid. It was my favorite drug. Every single time I've done it, it was great. It usually takes about 45mins-1 hour for it to hit me and it starts slow then progressively gets better and better.

This time it started to hit me in 20 mins. I could see gorgeous shapes when I closed my eyes. But I could tell something was off. My tongue was getting numb as I was playing with the paper in my mouth. I thought 'I should hit the bathroom before this shit hits'.

As I leave the bathroom it hits me. I can't find my camp. Lights are too bright to look at. I can only look at the ground. I made it back to my camp in about 30 mins (normally 5 mins walk). I tell my friends something is not right. I am having cold sweats, and I feel thirsty but when I drink, I don't really want water in my mouth. I sit down and close my eyes. I see a lot of shapes but mostly triangles. There is a lady in the middle whom I do not know. I go through the triangles towards her but the distance is always the same. She is very attractive but I do not see her at all. I know she is a beautiful lady without actually seeing her features.

As this is going on I have the feeling of wanting to poop really bad. The whole time I'm squeezing my butt as tight as I can. I thought, I was a baby and I want to be in fetal position and poop myself. After struggling for 2-3 hours I guess I felt strong enough to decide that I want to get out and not be in camp. I need to go to the bathroom and not clench my butt anymore. My friend takes me to bathroom and as I was in this hot porta-potty a sound car stopped right behind where I was. Blasting trap music. I started to have an amazing time in the toilet. I wanted to stay in the toilet forever! I stay there about 10 minutes (?).

Suddenly the music stops and down spiral begins again. I get out and we walk back to the camp. I tell my friend I need loud music. They help me pack up for the night. Fill my water and feed me as much as they can force me to, and we leave. It was a distressing biking experience. Things were scary and I didn't know what to think but It was way better than sitting in dark, freaking out about pooping myself. We find some music we enjoy and start dancing and things get better from there.

I can't say I enjoyed it but it was some experience right there. As the night went on I took some MDMA and I felt way better.

I am scared to do acid now but I do want to do it again. I hope next will be a better one.

[Reported Dose: '1 tablet 100mg'

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 106156
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Feb 19, 2016Views: 1,632
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LSD (2) : Combinations (3), Difficult Experiences (5), Festival / Lg. Crowd (24)

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