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A Very Positive Overall Mental Elicitation
Cannabis & Pharmaceuticals
Citation:   Tristan. "A Very Positive Overall Mental Elicitation: An Experience with Cannabis & Pharmaceuticals (exp106356)". Jul 16, 2019.

  smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Weed and Pharms

While using marijuana over the last five days, I've experienced a period of enhanced concentration, intellect, and creativity. I'm convinced this drug should be studied within the psychological community, perhaps with more emphasis on the characteristics of ADD/ADHD, and any accompanying disorders.

Personally, I don't lose control over anything. Things seem much easier to deal with. It's not a perfect experience for me but it inspires moments of creative and intellectual advancement. Memory loss and paranoia are the obvious frowns, and the smoke isn't even that good. Nevertheless, there is, for me, a very positive overall mental elicitation from marijuana.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 106356
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: Jul 16, 2019Views: 794
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Cannabis (1) : General (1), Combinations (3), Medical Use (47), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Not Applicable (38)

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