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Longer Than Expected but Worth It
Citation:   Firsttimetripping. "Longer Than Expected but Worth It: An Experience with 25B-NBOMe (exp106364)". Jul 8, 2016.

100 ug buccal 25B-NBOMe (blotter / tab)
Note: My other drug uses prior to this trip were weed (a few times a month) and nicotine/tobacco (occasionally for 2 months, then quit). My first time taking 25B-NBOMe was also my first time taking a psychedelic.

As aforementioned, 25B-NBOMe was my first experience with psychedelics. I had started the night thinking I was going to go smoke with some friends and be home fairly soon after; that turned out to not be the case. When none of us had weed, a friend offered up this “research chemical”, a term that had to be explained to me, that was supposed to give “mild visuals, mostly increased colors, for around 4 hours”. I was apprehensive. Yet, after about 30 minutes of contemplation and convincing, I decided to do it. Little did I know what was actually awaiting me – 16 hours of visual stimulation and physiological alertness.
I should’ve researched the drug before taking, so I would have known what to expect. I was very lucky to have been around supportive people during my trip.

I held the tab between my lower lip and gum for exactly 30 minutes, and then swallowed it. The come up was very smooth, starting with enhanced vividness of colors and the feeling that my surroundings are “breathing”. This very mild stage lasted for about 45 minutes directly after swallowing (12:20 for reference).
A little after 1, I was at a park and finally understood what it meant to be “tripping”. There were very distinguishable patterns in the clouds and the grass; it made sense how many artists could get inspiration from psychedelics.

The next 3 hours were the most visually striking. We went on a hike; I felt like I was in a jungle with plants I’ve never seen before. When we got to the top, I looked out on the valley and the city lights went on in fractals; it was beautiful. A friend drove us around downtown after; almost everything was extremely geometric looking, and it was difficult to orient myself when we went for walks. Overall, during this time period, everything around me moved, looked more vivid, or was fractal-like.

I peaked at around 4AM, when I saw on a hill and watched the valley change before my eyes every few seconds. There wasn’t a thing I could look at that didn’t have a dramatic/artistic shift from the norm. I started coming down around 4:30, and seemed to have an almost linear decline in effects until 3PM. Essentially, things were still bright, but movement was more minute.

Physically, I felt very awake the whole time. I wanted to move, wasn’t hungry, and felt fairly capable. I tried to sleep at 9, but wasn’t able to do so. I took 5mg of melatonin at 2:30 because I knew that I needed to sleep, but could only stay asleep for 2 hours. When I woke up, all the effects had disappeared. The next day, I was extremely tired (so was everyone else who had dropped). We think it was mainly because we were awake and active for such a long time, not really because of the chemical itself.

In summary, 25B-NBOMe created astonishing visuals and increased physical arousal for a long time. However, always take note that experiences are very subjective. Never having done a psychedelic before, I can’t really compare it to any other experience. The only reason I wouldn’t do it again is the simple fact that it is an RC; other than that, I’d probably be willing to risk it.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 106364
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Jul 8, 2016Views: 1,675
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25B-NBOMe (564) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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