Too Far to Go Back
Anadenanthera peregrina
by Rick
Citation:   Rick. "Too Far to Go Back: An Experience with Anadenanthera peregrina (exp106411)". Jun 1, 2016.

  6 seeds insufflated Anadenanthera peregrina (ground / crushed)
My buddy Rick was very interested in yopo as a means of ingesting DMT. He bought over 100 seeds online and the day they arrived he though it was a good ideal to do 6 of them at once. He mixed yopo and hydrated lime at a ratio of 2:1, and says that it was the most powerful psychedelic experience he had. This is what he had to say:

Usually when I do yopo, getting it all down is an issue with me. Last time I had seeds I made a device that attached a straw to a balloon, where I would blow the balloon up, pinch it, and fill the straw with yopo. Then, I would insert the straw into my nose, and let it blow itself. I was confident this time, however, I was able to consume all of it in a normal snorting fashion, and oh boy was I ever right.

I've done yopo before about 5 times, but never before had it kicked in so quickly. Within a minute it was as if my mind was some place else. I saw faces on the walls, everything seemed to be made of glass, and any light source seemed like an alien machine. At about 10 minutes in, I barfed my brains out. Living with my mom and being on painkillers for a non-related injury I did my best to be as quiet and inconspicuous as possible, so while throwing up I said my constipation finally subsidized. I got back to my room 30 minutes or so later, completely fucked. There were no hallucinations in my head anymore, no trip, and no lesson to learn. It was like a more comfortable DPH trip, though far more psychedelic. For the next 2 hours, there were the most indescribable hallucinations surrounding me. It wasn't a bad trip, just far more powerful than any yopo experience I ever had.

Rick tells me that the hangover was killer. His head feeling like it is about to crack open, and his nose/throat hurt as much as strep throat.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 106411
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Jun 1, 2016Views: 2,121
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Anadenanthera peregrina (285) : Entities / Beings (37), General (1), Alone (16)

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