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Don't Mind the Puzzle in Front of You
Citation:   Sexdwarf. "Don't Mind the Puzzle in Front of You: An Experience with 2C-B (exp10643)". Feb 14, 2002.

15 mg oral 2C-B (pill / tablet)
[Erowid Note: The author believed the dosage to be 75mg, but from their reaction and the fact that the main 2C-B pills were 5mg each, we have assumed their dosage was 15mg.]

I have experienced 2cb numerous times when living in Belgium, and fondly think of it as the best drug I have ever had the privilege of doing. I have been clean for 3 years now but I still fondly remember my first 2cb experience and would like to share it with you and also give you my opinion on this marvelous drug.

It was probably about 1994, might have been a year or two before...can't quite remember anymore, but a few friends and I decided to try 2cb from the local 'Smart Shop'. We had never heard of it before and based on the other products they had there it seemed like the most interesting one. We each bought three 25mg pills. We stepped out and a few blocks later each popped all three pills. There was no taste on my tongue, just felt as if I had some random pill on there. I drank it down with some water and then we all went into the main part of Antwerp. One of my friends had for some reason forgotten to tell us that he had an appointment to get his hair cut so we all went there and hung out while he got his trim.

Once there I had a clock in front of me so I pretty much was counting down to when it would start affecting me, and after about 40 - 45 minutes from taking the pills I felt a slight weightlessness feeling, but more in the sense of a huge burden was just taken from my shoulders and I could now walk carefree. I went and asked my friends and they all started feeling this same feeling around that time... Once we were on our way again it started to kick in more and more, giving us fun visuals as we walked around the city...everything was more defined than it should be. By the docks in Antwerp there is a walking area raised up, hard for me to describe, but anyhow, the ground isn't smooth, it's very bumpy. While walking on there the shadow of these bumps looked like hills, the definition was insane and walking on it became difficult, so we all sat down. Throughout the experience we kept repeating this...we would walk for 10 minutes then sit for 10 minutes, and so on.

At various points during the experience one person would have a need to go on their own, but this would only last for a few minutes, they would step out of the group and walk their own way, hen we would all run into each other and re-greet each other as if we hadn't seen each other in seems that the most stories come out of the side quest ;) My sidequest brought me to the big cathedral in Antwerp, and this all taking place in the summer time, towards nightfall when the sky is a slightly darker shade of blue, they had turned the lights on for the cathedral, basically the lights shine upwards to define it so you can have a nice view of it, but in this lighting and with 2cb the cathedral looked like a giant 3 d puzzle like the ones you have to build up....I could see the individual puzzle pieces, it was awesome...

My observations on 2cb:

Dosage varies from person to person, you don't need a high dosage for 2cb to work. I have NEVER had a bad trip on 2cb, and I have never heard about a bad trip on it (except for someone snorting it)...2cb seems to take away my problems at the beginning but towards the end when I am coming down it slowly reintroduces me to reality, letting me face it one step at a time...the come down was never hard and never was a great way to come off of it making the whole experience more and more enjoyable...

FYI: At that point in time 2cb was a legal drug in Belgium, and was bought over the counter at a Smart Shop...I am not sure what the legality is there nowadays since I no longer live there, and I am aware that it is an illegal substance in the US. That said, I used this drug in legal circumstances, and therefore am not ashamed to answer questions regarding it, however please note I have been sober for a long time, and have no desire to do drugs anymore. I don't have anything against them though, but anyhow, that is the end of my rant.

Exp Year: 1994ExpID: 10643
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 14, 2002Views: 17,449
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2C-B (52) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2)

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