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Close Encounter Squared
Citation:   SouthernDragonfly. "Close Encounter Squared: An Experience with LSD (exp106431)". Oct 22, 2020.

T+ 0:00
0.5 hits sublingual LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 1:30 0.5 hits sublingual LSD (blotter / tab)
I was at a music festival in Arkansas. It was the last day and I thought to myself it's now or never. Who knows when I'll come across this again. I bought one blotter which was on a plain white strip of paper. LSD is like the big daddy of hallucinogens and I was very cautious, so I decided to cut the strip in half and just see how this half affected me.

My husband had volunteered to be my sitter. I put the half tab in my mouth and let it sit for several minutes under my tongue before swallowing. We went to the main stage area and I was uncomfortable thinking I might suddenly shoot into another dimension around all these strangers. We decided to head back to our campsite and just chill in our hammock waiting for the onset. After 90 minutes I had no change other then a slight euphoria. I decided to take the other half. I let this one sit for 10 minutes before swallowing.

After 30 minutes I could feel much more euphoria and a strong increase in my sense of smell. We went to see the next band playing. Thievery Corporation rocked my world. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect band to describe my hearts desire. They were playing rock, bossa nova, Indian instruments, so many cultures meshing together. The lady singing, Shana, had an amazing voice. She was like a goddess of this band. The song was called the depth of my soul. It so perfectly described how I felt. While I was not having a lot of visuals, I felt profoundly insightful, blessed, and happy in that moment.

The show ended to soon and it was off to another stage. My hubby J and another friend D and I decided to visit another stage. While walking to the other stage it was eerily quite. The last night of the festival and most people had left. We ran into an interesting art project, lots of carpet squares and interesting black light art. Hubby is drunk proclaims how amazing it is and he's not tripping but D and I are. I'm self conscious and paranoid. A complete 360 from several minutes ago. We get to the stage which I normally love. A natural amphitheater surrounded by woods. But now I'm paranoid that someone walking in from the woods is going to be an undercover cop. I keep hinting I want to leave but J is quite drunk. I feel completely sober several minutes later. I assume I just got to paranoid and somehow pushed the lsd through my system.

We walk back to our campsite and I use the restroom. When I walk into the bathroom I see hundreds of bugs swarming the lights. Someone left the door open and they have swarmed the place. It's pretty awesome I start to see kaleidoscopic geometric patterns around the lights. Someone left a bottled water in the stall and the word Geyser is pulsating and changing colors. Freaking sweet I think to myself. We go to the group campfire and the trees and leaves are alive with this pulsating color changing energy. I love it. We get back to our campsite and I realize I'm peaking while everyone else is coming down. I suddenly feel very insightful again. And very ego threatened. I realize what a perfectionist I am and very germaphobic. Suddenly someone stars playing dubstep techno which I usually hate. But it makes sense now. It's the thought looping of acid expressed in music. Suddenly a Lazer light show accompanies the music I ask J and D if they see it too. Hell yeah they do freaking sweet.This Lazer show has that awesome pulsating energy I was seeing earlier, and now it moves to the beat of the music. Then J decides he wants to go to bed. We have a four hour drive to our favorite campsite tomorrow where we will meet my younger brother and his girlfriend to camp for another 4 days.

Here comes the paranoid feelings. I do not want to go lay down in a dark tent with lots of bugs. I seem to notice them so much right now. It's creeping me out. But I realize I do need some sleep. We get in the tent and J wants to get freaky. Well why not I'm not tired. It is amazing, I close my eyes and the color changing pulsating energy is pumping through my nerves. I can see amazing matrix like lazers moving through me to the rhythm of the acid crunk techno one of our neighbors is playing while we are getting busy. It was a million times more intense than screwing on Molly.

However J immediately passes out afterwards and I still can't sleep. I keep thinking about how terrible I'm going to feel taking this campsite down, driving 4 hours then resetting camp. The techno is deafening and I can't decide if it's in my mind or really still playing.

It's time to get up and I never slept. I decide I should shower. My sense of smell is still enhanced. I must still be tripping. I take of my clothes and my boobs stick out 12 feet from my body. This is strange my bones seem to be sticking out like I'm on my death bed.The smell of this shower is nauseating, it reeks of urine, excrement, and used feminine products. I rush through my shower. feeling just as dirty as I did before.

I get back to my campsite and try to wake up a hung over J. We start to pack up and I can still see bugs from a mile away. Everything else seems normal. Except when I look in the mirror my mouth is going to the left and my nose is going to the right. We have heard that the cops are waiting at the bottom of the mountain for idiots who decided to take what they found at the festival home with them. J is worried that he would fail a breathalyzer, he decides I should drive. He says they would never know if I was trippin or not. I don't like this idea but I don't want to get pulled over and him have to do a breathalyzer which would probably freak me out too.

I drive down the mountain thankfully nothing looks strange except my own body. We stopped to get some food and he takes over driving. After about an hour he says he's falling asleep at the wheel. So I have to drive again. I become very depressed, thinking about all the things that have happened to us in the last four and a half years.

At the age of 25 I had the shingles. I got pregnant just as it was beginning. He deploys while I am 8 months pregnant, and will not be there for the birth. Shortly after birth they diagnose my daughter with Down syndrome. My husband could possibly be in a combat situation and I could not tell him I had to lie to him about our daughter. I finally tell him and he comes home on emergency leave. But if we want health insurance for our disabled child he must go back. Our older daughter develops a severe food allergy. He gets hit by an IED, gets his purple heart and PTSD. It is so much to deal with in 4 months. I become socially awkward and basically turn into a hermit. While I'm not as depressed 5 years later I still don't have much of a social life. Pink Floyd, Tool, Rammstein, and MMJ are my only friends.

This music festival was my chance to show my husband what music does for me. He tells me that he has gotten such a deep and profound understanding of music. I can't be happier. But at the same time I realized I will never be the same. How can you be after that?

We get to our favorite camping spot and meet my younger brother and his girlfriend. We go to town to pick up some supplies. My brother takes two hits of acid and his girlfriend takes one. He asks me if I want some and I tell him no I am coming down from a difficult trip myself and haven't had any sleep and should probably rest before I experiment some more. We go out to eat at a Mexican restaurant. Everyone is very giggly. My hubby is trying to make them laugh. My brother suddenly looks like he's going to get sick so his girlfriend has to take him to the bathroom. She comes out laughing hysterically because she had to push a little boy out of the way so my brother could vomit. We asked for the check and leave. Then we must go to Walmart because it's the only store in the small town that has the camping supplies we need. I can tell that it's very intense for my brother and his girlfriend. I had a similar situation but with using Molly. Walmart is like its own little ecosystem. It is very intense and most people underestimate it.

We leave and drive back to the campsite which is down a gravel road on the side of a mountain. My brother says he's glad he is not the one who's driving, everyone is a little nervous except for my husband who is sober. While I am NOT tripping I'm still feeling quite paranoid from the night before and I am not liking this drive. We get back to the campsite and my brother says he needs to use the restroom. Upon returning he seems very disturbed and agitated. I can tell that he's going into a bad trip he repeatedly asked to wash his hands in his face, he wants to look into a mirror and he says his face is swollen. I fix him an orange and he eats but he refuses to touch the orange so he's eating like an animal. He tells us not to touch him to spray him with a water bottle if we need him. His thoughts are very scattered and strange. I'm just scared he's going to get aggressive. The previous year we had problems with raccoons I'm just hoping they stay away. He picked up a shovel and walks into the woods I'm very nervous but we coax him back to the fire and then we decide he should probably take a shower which is a primitive solar shower. His girlfriend helps him even though she is also tripping. She giggles a lot and this seems to only irritate him more they are both getting on each others nerves it is slightly funny but we are all trying to help him. We finally talked him into going to bed and he calmed down for the most part but sometimes walks out of the tent I'm just nervous that he's going to take his crossbow or something and shoot us but thankfully we kept him calm I just keep thinking that I want to go to sleep myself after having been up for over 24 hours and dealing with a difficult trip myself
I just keep thinking that I want to go to sleep myself after having been up for over 24 hours and dealing with a difficult trip myself
but now I have to help my brother with his bad trip.

It only affirms my belief that this is a very powerful psychoactive that should not be taken lightly. Even though my brother takes this very often he had never done it in that type of social situation it is enough to put someone in a bad trip even if you think you are very experienced the situation dictates the trip and you should never underestimate its power. If I ever decide to trip again it will probably be in my own home with the phone turned off and the door locked.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 106431
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Oct 22, 2020Views: 617
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LSD (2) : Difficult Experiences (5), Music Discussion (22), Depression (15), First Times (2), Festival / Lg. Crowd (24)

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