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Daytime Quick Onset Sedation Use
Citation:   M.F. Luder. "Daytime Quick Onset Sedation Use: An Experience with Doxylamine (exp106441)". Nov 20, 2020.

T+ 0:00
10 mg insufflated Pharms - Doxylamine (ground / crushed)
  T+ 0:55 25 mg oral Pharms - Doxylamine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:00 400 mg oral Pharms - Lamotrigine (daily)
At the time of writing, it is 12:57pm. Earlier today, at 11:35am, I administered a 10mg intranasal dose of Doxylamine succinate in order to assess the ability to incite a rapid onset sedation to counteract an anxiety attack. A 25mg oral dose was followed at 12:30pm.

I am currently taking Lamictal 200mg x2 a day for bipolar type 2 disorder. I have suffered from an, as until this year, undetermined host of psychological problems. Beginning at the age of 16 I was treated with 20mg Dextro-amphetamine for what was believed to be ADD. In the following years I was also treated with most every SSRI and Tricyclic available, as well as the common benzodiazepines for anxiety issues. In early 2015 a psychiatrist found what seems to have been the underlying problem, bipolar disorder type 2. So far the treatment of 200mg of Lamictal twice a day has resolved most of my issues. However I still have anxiety flare-ups from time to time. After many years of self medicated use of opiates/marijuana/and most other sedative drugs, I found myself in a deep addiction. A year of Suboxone treatment followed. After weaning myself off, I decided to stay away from any pharmaceutical treatments other than the Lamictal.

My anxiety issues revolve around loud sudden noises in public places. I was going to be attending an outdoor flea market later in the day and decided to test out the doxylamine. Initial intranasal dose of 10mg produced a fairly rapid sedated state within 10 minutes. A calm yet fairly alert state accompanied by a slight drop in heart rate and my rate of breathing. There was no noticeable come up or peak per se, the effects hit and remained at the same rate. An hour later, about 30 minutes before leaving the house, I administered a 25mg oral dose. This dose hit within 30 minutes, and slightly increased sedation, but not really enough to say that it was anything more than a bumper dose. I proceeded to have a wonderful afternoon at the flea market. My head felt slightly heavy, but I was not inebriated in any way. Just purely calm. No anxiety whatsoever.

In summation, I do believe doxylamine succinate to be a very effective daytime sedation method, and I plan to experiment more with different doses and timing. The sedation lasted 6-7 hours with no further administration. Sleep was deep and pleasant, although a slight hangover effect was noticed, but was quickly washed away by a warm cup of coffee. I do not believe the intranasal administration is necessary, unless I were already in the middle of a panic attack. The oral dose seems to set in within 25-30 minutes.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 106441
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Nov 20, 2020Views: 2,968
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Pharms - Doxylamine (343) : Medical Use (47), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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