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Ultimate Bliss
Citation:   scaroth. "Ultimate Bliss: An Experience with 5-MeO-DMT (exp106540)". Jan 20, 2016.

  smoked 5-MeO-DMT (powder / crystals)
Before trying 5-MeO-DMT ~3 weeks ago I had tried n,n-DMT 3 times before this experience. Although my experience with DMT was near the beginning of my drug use and although amazing I remember very little and found it very frightening as well (wasn't in the best place in my life).

-~ half and hour before my trip I received a text from my dealer saying he had some 5meO-DMT and was very curious to try the substance as I had heard of its intensity and I felt ready (am very happy/ comfortable with my life and had some free time).

My dealer arrived at my house and began to prepare the DMT by sprinkling the powder over some parsley in a bong. My friend went first and upon exhalation closed his eyes and lay back on the couch for ~10 mins (he seemed to be enjoying himself). It was now my turn, although excited I was a bit nervous as I knew how intense n,n-DMT was and apparently 5-MeO-DMT is far more intense (My dealer also told me about someone he gave it to who said they went to hell and during the experience soiled themselves and vomited in fear).

The dealer handed me the packed bong and I smoked it slowly and held the smoke in for 10 secs before exhaling. I began to feel the onset during exhalation and lay back on the couch and closed my eyes.

From this point onwards I cannot accurately recount the events that occurred and can only describe it as ultimate bliss and universal connectivity. I felt like I was being embraced by an eternal love and warmth and it was simply indescribable and unlike any pleasure I had ever experienced (have quite a lot of experience with psychedelics). Time became nothing as I entered 'the void'.

I can't remember exactly when I awoke, the transition between my unconscious state and conscious state was unnoticeable but I remember wriggling on the couch rubbing my body with my hands crying/ laughing / shouting with pleasure. The feeling I experienced when I woke up was as though I had woken up for the first time in my entire life. There was this unique beauty and warmth I saw in everything and I can still see it to this day.

I began to have the most incredible and meaningful talks with my friends about the experience (was still tripping quite a bit) and my dealer proceeded to ask me questions about the experience. He told me that I was the first person that he had seen that thoroughly enjoyed the experience (apparently most people find it initially terrifying and very unsettling).

That night I had the best sleep of my life and woke up feeling so awake and filled with energy (not tired/ drained like other psyc's) and more appreciative of everything.

I have permanently benefited from it use and consider it my favorite substance. I haven't used it again at this stage but hope to get hold of it again someday.

[Reported Dose: '20 mg']

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 106540
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Jan 20, 2016Views: 2,110
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5-MeO-DMT (58) : First Times (2), Mystical Experiences (9), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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