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Life Altering Transcendence
Citation:   Rahul. "Life Altering Transcendence: An Experience with DOM (exp106579)". Jun 3, 2020.

5 mg oral DOM (blotter / tab)
    smoked Cannabis  
Location: India

I bought 5mg DOM from darkweb from very trusted vendor.

1 pm daytime: I took 5mg DOM it tasted extremely bitter. Paper instantly dissolved in my mouth drank some water on it. Simultaneously started to smoke my joint to save myself from nausea or stomach cramps which I read people get usually on DOM.

2 pm
Randomness started to kick in nothing major but I felt the starting of trip. So put on some music. Slowly trip started to take over me. Numbness kicked in I couldnt feel my body. Randomness really got to the extreme no sense of time or place, then my friends came from the other room they started to talk.

3.30 pm
They took me out in my car to pick up another friend. I only remember walking to my car. Next thing I woke up on seat next to driver. I started to transcend into other objects. I was watching world from every perspective. I went out of my body many time but had to come back again n again as my friend couldnt find the right way taking u turns from wrong places. My consciousness kept on bouncing into people around me and then back to my body.
My consciousness kept on bouncing into people around me and then back to my body.
They finally reached and packed the car took me to subway there I couldnt even stand for a 1 min. And sat down on a table I instantly started to jump into people body in my mind I went inside there my mind and influenced them to take actions. A voice kept on tell me that these people are stuck in time make them move. Restaurant guy again asked me what would like to have I said nothing at all. DOM kicked in again to the next level. I ran to washroom to pee. There was a guy washing his hands I watched him and could hear what he was thinking and he liked me but I disconnected him already had too many voice inside my mind. Then my friend came in washroom looking from me as I started to walk out I forgot which door I came from there were 3 doors in front of me. And I got scared so asked random person which way out. And he looked at me like I was crazy. I walked out scared like a lost child. I again ran out looking for my friend thank god she was just walking in. It was hard to walk and keep my eyes open. She took me to car and took me home again.

DOM kicked me again to next level. World turned from 3d to 2d like a movie screen like a hologram. Doors of perceptions started to echo in my head. As I sat down body started to vibrate like someone was drilling me.

6pm. I started to hear voice. Everything turned green. Green people from other dimensions started to complain, I would only see their eyes and their edges they seemed human like but they were in couples everyone had a male and female. That I was not playing my role. As if I was their eyes to this reality we live in as if we are their belongings they love us and they live through use. It was like I was stuck in time. My gears of life were stuck not moving. They kept on complaining for very long time.

8pm. I was back in my body again jumping into other times eras. Then everywhere I saw people saying I was stuck and they should come in to live my life. I tried to stop them fear kicked in that some other soul will live in me and my identity would be lost forever
fear kicked in that some other soul will live in me and my identity would be lost forever
. And I said to myself you have crossed my madness barrier. And lik in movie where hulk lets his father take all of his energy I let go of everything. I started chanting let go let go let go. I was moving again other people started jumping in my body they started to live through me then someone else came they started talking to my surrounding. I saw eyes everywhere I looked no matter whether I closed my eyes or opened them, view was same. Everyone wanted to meet me came inside my consciousness. This kept on happening all night. Bad spirits came too but I closed myself to them. Closed my eyes when they came but good spirits got in their way. I got scared at time but kept on saying let go let go. I was not in control but didnt stop anything from happening. Reality which earlier existed was shattered and world looked like only like a reflection like a mirror image parellel worlds existed in my trip.

12 am
Next thing I remember it was 12 at night. My friends took MDMA. And they were dancing they dragged me so I started dancing. That distracted me from all eyes that were fixed on me. I was living again time was flowing again they kept on checking me but I kept on dancing ignoring them. For first time in my life I would feel my body like I never did before I started to swirl my hand started dancing like hippies I use to watch. I was in trance having no thought at all just feeling my body by dancing calibrizing my body to feel again.

4 am kept on dancing with little breaks in between I was full of energy still. Kept on talking about life and my finding that I discovered that night. I learned why Hofmann use to say only take LSD in nature. Although it was DOM but it was like 10 hits of acid for me.

5.30 am
I saw sun rising and it was the brightest day of my life. Even when I closed my eyes I could see colors blue red and green. I was unable to sleep. Covered my eyes and tried to sleep. And I slept for 4.30 hours.

10 am
Then friends came and woke me up again I was full of energy I could still feel DOM inside. Unable to sleep I kept on changing my positions in rooms from one to another had food chatted with friends.

1 pm still not able to sleep. It was a 24 hour trip from me and peak lasted from almost 16 hours after effects for 8 hours.
It was a 24 hour trip from me and peak lasted from almost 16 hours after effects for 8 hours.
I paid my respect to Sasha for creating this awesome drug. I had previous experience for 2C-B acid MDMA MDA cannabis NBOMe and I would say this surpassed all of them in every way. Visuals are not that great if I compare it to acid swirling flowering vortexing. But colors are brighter. Like 2C-B stomach got really gassy. I had no wish to eat. Felt little pain all over my body like they do in acupunture needles where stuck in my skin. But it was ok. Bearable.

I couldn't control my thoughts on DOM I had to let go of everything what is holding me. I felt like I had lost my identity. But next day I was alrite.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 106579
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Jun 3, 2020Views: 972
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DOM (20) : Various (28), Entities / Beings (37), General (1)

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