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Hyperspace Adventure
Citation:   Hieronymus. "Hyperspace Adventure: An Experience with LSD (exp106694)". May 12, 2019.

  oral LSD
Most I have ever taken was about 950µg at the Goatrance tents at a trance festival, 'Dance Valley' outside of Amsterdam.

Thing with good psychedelic trance music is that I basically don't lose my rational thoughts and do not freak out, even though I am not in this reality anymore. The beat keeps my heart at a steady rhythm, the melodies form a solid basis to dream away on and the resonances allow me to access higher dimensions without derailing too much.

Basically everyone on the dancefloor looked like Hindu gods, Egyptian or Baylonian gods or similar imagery, with extremely clearly pronounced energy fields
everyone on the dancefloor looked like Hindu gods, Egyptian or Baylonian gods or similar imagery, with extremely clearly pronounced energy fields
. The air was one big sacred geometry fractal rainbow-pattern of interacting auras. It was more like sub breakthru DMT than anything else at that dose. I danced for a steady 8 or 10 hours, and felt relatively normal (extremely mellow euphoric and divine but not jittery) by the end of the festival...I thought.

Things got amazing for me when we left the music and drove home; the ride home was like taking a transdimensional shuttle through hyperspace. The highway lights became one big spiralling rainbow light timewarp thing which felt so fucking euphoric to look at. All the light energy pattern stuff was constantly morphing in geometrical pulsing living patterns and the music in the car was a 5th dimensional blanket weaving in and out of my brain patterns. It was orgasmic as nothing else I had ever experienced on LSD.

When we came home I was tripping madly and I must have felt the movement of the car for at least four or five hours after that.
I stayed up most of the night while everyone else was sleeping, just tripping my nuts off in a full body and mind orgasm. Utter ecstatic euphoria. I laughed my ass off just amazed at how fucking good I felt and how everything just responded to my thoughts.
I felt amazing for weeks after the experience.

Exp Year: 1995ExpID: 106694
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: May 12, 2019Views: 618
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LSD (2) : Music Discussion (22), Glowing Experiences (4), Rave / Dance Event (18)

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