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It Could Have Been Quite Dangerous
Zolpidem & Absinthe
Citation:   DefinitelyNotSWIM. "It Could Have Been Quite Dangerous: An Experience with Zolpidem & Absinthe (exp106726)". Dec 1, 2017.

20 mg oral Pharms - Zolpidem (pill / tablet)
I took no other medications, neutral mood.

I can remember really few things about yesterday. I remember that I started around 3 p.m. (with an empty stomach as I had a piece of bread as lunch 2 hours before) ingesting 2 pills (10 mg each) and got a nice euphoric feeling after half an hour or so. After that I remember that I got by foot to a pub, 6 miles from home, where I usually meet with my friends, and there drank one absinthe shot (maybe more, but I remember only one), at about 6 p.m., I suppose.

I also remember stopping in a couple of pharmacies asking for dimenhydrinate but not having enough money to buy it and checking in a local grow shop for the price of something that I wrote down (can't remember what). I really can't remember anything else until when I woke up today in my bed.

I don't know if this experience was caused by only 20 mg or more
I don't know if this experience was caused by only 20 mg or more
, as in my wandering in the city I probably lost the zolpidem blister, along with some spare coins I had on my table (probably spent on absinthe), and a matches pack I always have in my pockets. Can't remember if it was fun overall, but it definitely could have been dangerous.

The only thing left me from this experience is thinking about what an absurd day it probably has been, a drowsy feeling this morning and a headache which has got better now but isn't still completely gone.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 106726
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Dec 1, 2017Views: 1,100
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Pharms - Zolpidem (143) : Combinations (3), General (1), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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