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So Close but Never Seen
DMT & Nitrous Oxide
Citation:   dimensionalseedling. "So Close but Never Seen: An Experience with DMT & Nitrous Oxide (exp106802)". Jun 10, 2021.

T+ 0:00
  inhaled Nitrous Oxide
  T+ 0:00 1 hit smoked DMT
  T+ 1:00 1 hit smoked DMT
  T+ 0:00 1 hit smoked DMT
My DMT Experiences

I have tried DMT a handful of times. My first intense experience was smoking DMT while watching a pornography video. After smoking it the colours got bright. Patterns started to appear and move with the video. The characters became 2 dimensional and looked like a paint by numbers painting. Like a photoshop filter was run on top of the video. I was shocked that my mind seemed perfectly rational but I was looking at something irrational. The experience intensified where the video what completely obstructed by the moving patterns. It wore off after a few minutes.

Another intense experience involved a message about the nature of reality. God exists and everything is a part of that God. Because of that we do not die. The mechanical body is left behind but something else that is us continues. I could see that everything is prefect all the time. We are completely taken care of. Nothing we can do or think of would disgust or break God. Even if we destroyed the entire universe God's love would continue to permeate everywhere. This realization made me sob with joy and thankfulness.

The following experience occurred on Aug 8 2015. I put on a pornography video and inhaled some nitrous oxide. Later I took a deep breath of DMT. I held it in and started to count to 20. The colours on the video started to become more red. After a few more seconds I started to see patterns. I exhaled and watched. I was transported to a realm I never imagined could exist. It looked something like a subway tunnel. There was a being made of black and red rods extending into the tunnel. It looked machined but it was alive. Energy started to radiate off the being and sparks hit my skin and I felt them inside my stomach and throat. It made me feel nauseous and I looked away wondering if I should go to the washroom. In the next part of the experience all of reality melted away and I had a realization that everything I was looking for is inside me. All the desires and expectations in earth reality were created in my mind. Now that they were gone I felt disoriented. Why did I think all those things I thought. What do I do in this hyper reality considering all the things I thought while on earth? I feel uneasy. I feel like I should talk to a psychologist about what my mind created while on earth but that would create a new reality just as imaginary as the one on earth. I come back to reality and feel exposed by the experience. Like any experience I had to this point was of my own creation.

An hour later I take another hit of DMT. This time I'm transported to something that seems more familiar. I am in a room with blue walls. It looks organic like the space was hollowed out of a large mushroom or tree. The room is circular. It's as if I am waking up from sleep. There is a motherly creature in front of me. The body of Star Wars Chubaka but hair more like a woolly mammoth. She is wearing white cloths. I suspect I am a child and she is waking me up. The bed seems circular. The experience concludes.

I spend the next day at a bluegrass festival with family. It was a nice day. When I get home I want to see what I experience next. I take DMT I procured from a new supplier. It's a fine white powder with orange flakes. It has a slightly different odor and I'm not sure if its DMT mixed with something else. I smoke it and hold it in for 20 seconds. When patterns appear I breathe out. The video I'm watching starts to transform. The images get 2 dimensional like the photoshop effect. The images continue to get more abstract where the original video has completely changed. I'm seeing these intricate patterns with crisp bright lines. The patterns extend off the computer monitor. I close my eyes and see purple lines and dots slowly moving. I feel sparks hitting the back of my throat. I feel uncomfortable. Too much too fast and I consider leaving the room. As I look around things in the room are glowing. I decide to stay put. I look at the screen and there is a while space with beings moving and living. Words and language cannot communicate the details. I feel like Jazz music comes from this realm.
I feel like Jazz music comes from this realm.
Like what people in the 1950's were trying to create. There is a brown creature that looks like diglett and could be from the snake game where the snake grows when you eat stuff.

The reality is completely inviting. I can stay there forever and be completely content. There is no burden where you have to work. There is a flash of fear that I may have died or that if I pay too much attention I will stay there. Imagine a wave washing over you and you are swept into the reality. The reality is more precise that what you can imagine. You are not seeing things with your eyes so you do not have a limitation on the detail. I wonder how this reality can exist so close but is never seen. This reality is not in a rush. It's more of a state of being. If I explore it deeper I feel I will get lost in it. I wait and like clockwork I am returned to my normal reality.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 106802
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 38
Published: Jun 10, 2021Views: 556
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DMT (18) : Entities / Beings (37), General (1), Alone (16)

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