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Pixar Cartoons Out of Nowhere
Citation:   ChasinTheTrane. "Pixar Cartoons Out of Nowhere: An Experience with DMT (exp106805)". Feb 15, 2020.

50 mg vaporized 2-Me-DMT
I had a very unusual experience with DMT.

I have zread about experiencing the eleventh dimension on DMT. Everything looks like M.C. Escher drew your reality with a pen made of multicolored light, but it is animated: constantly flowing, with jesters leaping in and out of portals that appear and disappear, and reappear again, and the acrobatics they perform are impossible in three dimensions.

Ordinarily, when I come back from a DMT trip, the walls are melting, and my surroundings rearrange themselves back into conventional reality in a flowing manner. On one occasion, I vaporized 50mg of DMT, went to the crazy carnival, and then opened my eyes. Instead of a melting, swirling realm of hieroglyphics waiting for me upon my return, everything was perfectly normal. I blinked a couple of times, shocked by the normality of my living room.

And then, it happened: I can only describe it as a panel of reality being displaced. My room looked the same as in consensual reality, but then, a sort of flap opened, like a cargo compartment on an airplane. The most hilarious cartoon characters stuck their heads into my world through this displaced panel of realty. They made a bizarre sound; it meant: 'Hello! We're still here!'
They made a bizarre sound; it meant: 'Hello! We're still here!'
and then they shut the 'door,' or whatever it was to another world.

I was stunned. I stared at my ceiling for a while, and everything seemed normal. There were no hallucinations like melting walls or hieroglyphics. Then, those wacky cartoon characters reinserted themselves into my world. They opened up the panel (or whatever you want to call it) and stuck their heads out while making their crazy sounds.

I was consumed with laughter. I remember pacing the room, and saying out loud, 'That is the greatest thing of all time.'

To this day, I am befuddled; normally when coming down from DMT, the room is a swirling mess of lights and hieroglyphs. On that occasion, it seemed absolutely normal, except for the hilarious cartoon characters who removed a panel of reality and made my laugh hysterically.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 106805
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 35
Published: Feb 15, 2020Views: 747
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