Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
Great but Took Way to Much
Citation:   qulib. "Great but Took Way to Much: An Experience with 4-AcO-DMT (exp106942)". May 22, 2021.

T+ 0:00
25 - 30 mg oral 4-AcO-DMT
  T+ 1:20 25 - 30 mg oral 4-AcO-DMT
  T+ 0:00   smoked Cannabis
  T+ 0:00   smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes
Great Experience but Took Way to Much

This had been my first time taking 4-AcO-DMT and I took a rather large dose. I had experienced psychedelics before, but was still very new to them (most I had ever taken before was 1.5 tabs). I was originally told what I was going to be taking was like acid.

I was hanging with 2 friends, who I'll just call X and Y. We all took our dose a little after midnight. We took it orally by placing the powder in pieces of a paper towel.

For x it started kicking in around 20-30 minutes in, for y around 40 minutes, but for me it had taken around 1 hour to 80 minutes to kick in
for me it had taken around 1 hour to 80 minutes to kick in
. Since my friends were feeling more effects than I was I thought that it would be a good idea to double dose (taking another 25-30mg). This was honestly a great idea, and a bad idea.

It was around 1:20 when I started to notice effects. X had also taken another 25-30mg dose but I'm not sure when. We decided to go to a walk down the street to the golf course. Once we got outside the world looked different. It was like my vision was enhanced and my depth perception was affected (things seemed closer and smaller than they actually were). This is when I really started to feel effects, I had started tripping.

Once we leave X's driveway it felt like the first 2 minutes had gone by in about 30 seconds, then the next 5 minutes had felt like 20 or 30 minutes. I knew that it had not be that long, but it just felt like it. It didn't seem like it was dark, all the colors were enhanced so I could see more clearly through the night. For some reason it felt like I could walk up to objects and climb them, as if I had sticky hands and feet. This was a weird, but pretty cool feeling. There was one house that I specifically recall that just looked like a square to me and nothing else.

We had got to the start of the golf course and I had already gotten lost in my own thoughts about 3 times and then recall that I was walking to the golf course. I was silent until this point where I would talk, but my words were flustered and my voice a little slurred. There was a little trouble communicating. I knew that I would be better off not talking and just enjoying the trip so I remained silent and let my self explore. We went to the usual spot we go to to sit down.

It had began to get more intense at this point. I looked into the clouds and they looked like they were people. I felt a spiritual kinda connection with the sky. There was also a pinkish tint coming from around the people clouds. Y had wanted to move spots so me and X followed. Y and X were both laying down, but I decided to stand up and stare into the golf course. I was looking into the golf course, and then more visuals started to kick in, I started too see faces appearing and disappearing, not necessarily a head with a face, just faces. I had been looking into the golf course around 20 minutes, or at least what felt to be, but can only recall seeing faces. The visuals I was having was the most intense I had ever had, so I was able to tell myself to try to remember at least one really stunning visual (for artistic purposes). In the golf course I had seen ocean waves crashing, but then the waves would turn into human mouths and their upper lip would be expanding and closing, the same way the waves would.

I had quickly remembered that I had just been standing up for a long period of time, and decided to sit down with my friends. We then started to talk about how our trip was going and such. After about 10 minutes of sitting around we decided to walk back home, nothing too extraordinary. We got back to X's house and chilled in his den and started to smoke some weed and watch some tv. We were watching adult swim for about an hour. It was around 3 am when me and Y decided to go out and smoke a cigarette.

We sat on the porch steps and started chatting and talking as we were smoking, and things just seemed really relaxed and calm and very peaceful. We had started to chain smoke, but every cigarette felt like it would last a very long time. At some points I would occasionally just fall over and lay down for awhile, Y had just decided to lay down. this is when me and Y had just started talking, about nothing, but also everything. We both were confusing words and having a hard time expressing thoughts at some points, but for the most part we were having a really good conversation. Dialog was almost always delayed for like 5-10 seconds it also seemed. At points I couldn't see where Y was because of how dark it was. One of our main conversations were how we wished we could smoke inside X's house, because we really didn't wanna stop smoking.

After awhile I started to feel like I was tripping more. I was laying down and it had felt like I was floating, I couldn't feel the porch or anything underneath me. While I was experiencing this I heard Y saying 'Where even are we right now, because I'm not here right now' a few times. I then started to feel a sudden kinda rush that I don't know how to explain. It just seemed as if all of a sudden alot more stuff was happening. I began to talk a little bit frantically and I was moving around on the porch on my back alot, like I was stretching in bed kinda, or a cat just rolling on its back sorta thing. I began to sit up and I would fall down and I realized that I was trippin pretty hard. After realizing this I apologized to Y because I thought I was tripping too hard and killing the mood, but it was all fine which made me feel better. I ended up throwing the pack of cigarettes right under the porch, and I knew that I was too high to try to get it. Luckily Y had been on a way lower dosage so they retrieved them and everything went pretty chill again.

After sitting down and smoking a few more cigarettes we had remembered that we could smoke in X's room, just not his living room. So we went inside at around 4:30-5ish, heading to X's room, but we just made it to the couch in his living room and just decided to lay down there. I wanted more room so I decided to just lay on the floor. X had came into the living room after awhile and explained to us that he wasn't feeling so good and that he felt pretty nauseous. His dog also came and X and Y were petting him as I just layed on the ground. I started to kinda twitch occasionally, or just jerk a little bit. I just knew that I was tripping pretty hard and it didn't really bother me.

After awhile Y was laying down on the couch and I was on the floor, X was walking around their house just doing random tasks, but eventually started to lay on the floor as well. We were all just thinking to ourselves for awhile in silence. I had started to think about my father, who had died about a year before. I started to tear up and cry a little lying on the floor, but I was able to keep it together and remain calm. I did however go to X's room to smoke a cigarette, but on the walk there I was feeling really weak. When I actually got to his room I was feeling worn out and sick.

Instead of smoking the cigarette I just got into X's bed and started laying there trying to feel comfortable. This is where my body started to feel unpleasant, and whenever I moved it felt uncomfortable. X wanted me to come outside and smoke a bowl with him and I told him I'd meet him, but I just didn't have the energy to go with him. The next time X had came into the room I told him that I was having a bad trip. At this point I was feeling major sickness and discomfort in my body and I just really wanted to be at my house, and I missed my mother.

X ended up getting me some water and I felt able enough to smoke a cigarette. When I was sitting in the computer chair I was really slumped in it. I finished the cigarette, and started to walk outside, but I felt like I was gonna throw up. I didn't, but when I was in the bathroom I looked at my face in the mirror and my face had been blurry. It was kinda like a wavy, breathing vision, except it was going fast, and in randomish directions. I thought that was pretty cool honestly, I always love lookin at myself in the mirror when I trip. I had gotten a dixie cup and filled it with water about 5 times to drink, I figured I was dehydrated. I got back to the bed and was gonna try to fall asleep.
I figured I was dehydrated. I got back to the bed and was gonna try to fall asleep.
I typically listen to metal, but after playing a few songs I just couldn't bare the sound, it was too much for me at the moment. I put on some calmer music that would sooth me a bit more.

X had came back into his room around 6 am and said he had just threw up in the bathroom and passed out and that it was freaked him out since he has never passed out before. He began to lay down next to me. We were both just talking to each other too much in pain to do anything for ourselves, and no one was able to really take care of us. I told X I felt like I was dying. He told me that I couldn't die, there was no way I was able to. We were both just trying to fall asleep at this point but I felt like I would die if I did. I also feared I was gonna have a heart attack because I thought my left arm was starting to tingle a bit, but that may have just been paranoia.

We both managed to fall asleep and we woke up feeling very great. Y had left by the time we woke up, they said they didn't feel sick at all.

It was probably one of my favorite experiences so far, I'm glad I took as much as I did. It would have been great if I didn't start feeling bad, but at least I enjoyed the majority of it.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 106942
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 22, 2021Views: 718
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4-AcO-DMT (387) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Glowing Experiences (4), Difficult Experiences (5), First Times (2)

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