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Door 3
Citation:   Karin A. "Door 3: An Experience with Methylphenidate (exp106948)". Oct 28, 2022.

5 - 10 mg insufflated Pharms - Methylphenidate (ground / crushed)
For the record, I’m high now and in no way consider myself an expert on this.

Methylphenidate (Metadate ER) was prescribed to me by my doctor to help me focus in class. It worked as it was intended to do by increasing my attention span and my remaining completely focused. It wasn’t until last semester that I had an essay to right – due next day 8am sharp. I had most of it done but like many others I put it off until the last second… I know that if I ingested the pill orally it would take too long to kick in (anywhere between 30 minutes to an hour). I couldn’t wait that long I had a paper to right. I (carefully) cracked open the capsule and dumped out the white beads and crushed them up into a fine powder. I snorted it this time and the effects weren’t immediate – but unexpected!

00:00 – Alert; not fully awake but functional (I like to do a line or two when I get up in the morning apx. 5-10mg).

00:02 – fully alert and awake by now.

00:03 – Energy levels increase dramatically along with a ‘can do’ attitude!

00:05 – Euphoria begins to set in; fingertips and toes tingle.

00:06 – This is where things get interesting. Euphoria is still climbing but I have to be careful not to get side tracked (missed a class because I got on a bus. No real reason, I just wanted to get on a bus).

00:08 – Everything is interesting; can’t seem to sit and do just one thing without setting a goal.

00:10 – Euphoria is at its peak; everything looks and sounds amazing; Music + Beats Solo2 Headphones = potential hours of doing nothing but listening to music; Zero appetite which can account for my weight loss (6 pound ^^); Food at this point makes me want to hurl (even just smelling it); If with friends I’ll talk till the cows come home (a real problem at times especially when we went to see a movie); can be a little horny if provoked (have not have sex on it afraid to get my heart rate too high); thirsty for water.

00:15 – Euphoria still in full effect; extreme thirst (this drives me up the wall); jaw muscles are sore and neck a little stiff; completely focused and awake.

00:20 – Euphoria starts to decline; awake, alert, and focused; still thirsty; talkativeness still present; ‘can do’ spirit still here; full of energy!
00:20 – Euphoria starts to decline; awake, alert, and focused; still thirsty; talkativeness still present; ‘can do’ spirit still here; full of energy!

00:22 – Euphoria continue to decline; awake however still focused; unquenchable thirst begins to decline; thoughts of doing more come to mind (however I’m in complete control of them); starting to come down.

00:28 – Euphoria is gone at this point; awake and alert; more thoughts of doing more; some (but often rare) feeling of depression; appetite fully suppressed.

00:35 – Awake and alert; can be a bit bitchy (irritable); I often cycle through emotions (rare but I thought it was worth noting. I ended up crying because I couldn’t find my phone charger).

00:40 – still awake and alert at this point; can focus with some (but not much) effort.

00:45+ – Awake and alert; starting to feel a little sleepy (this can be rare too, but worth noting); definitely no longer high; continuing to come down.

My average dose is 20-30mg. I do binge from time to time which stretches out the timeline above.

I have been snorting Methylphenidate for over a year now and I’ve come up with a system that can help with the come down as well as remaining in control when I'm high.

Before I roll up my hundred dollar bill ^^ and take a hit, I get a bottle of water. And if I plan on leaving the house, I make sure to take an extra bottle with me. Nothing worse than driving around town with a cotton mouth. If I’ve just woken up in the morning I eat something before taking my dose. But if I absolutely can’t get out of bed without a hit, I take 5mg; I’ve found that it’s just enough to get moving in the morning.

Also I set a goal. I feel the high is more enjoyable if I have a task to do. This task can be anything; just I don’t watch T.V! Methylphenidate + T.V = Time Wasted! T.V isn’t fast enough to keep up with a Methylphenidate high and I’m more than likely to just jump from channel to channel looking for something interesting but I never do.

If I decide to leave the house for errands or to hang out with friends, I set two goals. A long goal will keep me focused on what I need to do and, a short goal will keep me entertained and interested. This is more for if I have things to do throughout the day not necessarily with friends. But I do have something in mind, I don’t just run out the front door. Also if I become a total chatterbox when high, I text someone who isn’t there with me. Multitasking isn’t be an issue and I won’t run my friend's ears off! I try to eat though but never force myself.

When I begin to come down I do more IF I'm not at home to get me there. If I'm home, I found this to be the best time to sit and watch T.V. or even read a book. I will begin to crave more BUT there is no urge to do more (it’s just a thought like killing my ex. It sounds like a good idea but it really isn’t). I continue to watch T.V or read; this is also prime time for studying. The energy boost is gone but I can still accomplish tasks if I set my mind to it. Depending on how high of a dose I’ve taken the crash can be more severe.

The most I’ve ever done at one time was 50mg and that was intense. So much so that I couldn’t really enjoy the high. Ended up getting on the bus for no reason and missing my class like I said earlier. Everything was super interesting and vibrant. I had long deep thought processes about how the world is so fragile. Then moved on to aliens and conspiracy stuff. It wasn’t until I got off the bus for some arbitrary reason that I had a conversation with a homeless man about the imminent apocalypse (this actually happened)! It wasn’t until my friend texted me asking me why I wasn’t in class that I had realized where I was and what I was doing. Encasing Euphoria + Positive Energy and a ‘Can Do’ Spirit; my mind LITERALLY takes me places!

Dosages higher than 50 or even 45mg are not as likely to increase my high but the side effects that come with Methylphenidate e.g. anxiety, paranoia, etc. I binge on occasion but what goes up, must come down. Insomnia isn’t an issue for me as I have been prescribed a sleep aid that could knock an elephant on its ass. If however, it’s past 3pm, I don't take anymore assuming I have some place to be the next day.

Methylphenidate to me is door #3. It keeps me awake and focused when I need to be all while turning the dial to 11 for a little fun.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 106948
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Oct 28, 2022Views: 507
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Pharms - Methylphenidate (114) : Medical Use (47), Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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