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Anxiety Dropped Away in a Half Hour
by Theo
Citation:   Theo. "Anxiety Dropped Away in a Half Hour: An Experience with L-Theanine (exp106969)". Sep 15, 2017.

100 mg oral Theanine
I have had severe anxiety for 15 years. Utterly crippling, and unaffected by any prescribed med. I was clean of all mood altering meds when I took the L-theanine.

I took 200mg L-theanine in evening before bed and anxiety dropped away in a half hour. I wasn't euphoric at all, just free of anxiety. Made falling asleep so much easier. Slept deeply.

The next morning I did feel a little euphoric. Colors were brighter, scents stronger. I was so energized I went for a run. Exercise gave me a total buzz.

Anxiety destroys sleep, and I think the high I experienced the next morning was simply because I had finally gotten real sleep for the first time in years.

I continued to dose with theanine over the next week but it lost its effectiveness when I took it regularly.

Worth noting that the first time I took l-theanine, it was more effective than xanax, clonopin, or any other prescription drug I have ever taken.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 106969
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 35
Published: Sep 15, 2017Views: 9,548
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Theanine (413) : Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Health Benefits (32), Alone (16)

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