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From Bad to Great!
Morning Glory
Citation:   Bloomers. "From Bad to Great!: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp10703)". Jul 9, 2019.

100 seeds oral Morning Glory (extract)
  1 shot oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
I'll keep this simple.

First dose was myself and a 120lb female. 120 seeds each, ground in coffee grinder and eaten with apple sauce. After an hour, we each ate 120 more, 240 each in total. Experienced an energetic and heightened state of awareness for about 6 hours, very pleasant with no side effects.

Second time a month later. Myself and same female, 300 seeds each, all at once, ground and eaten in apple sauce. She almost immediately felt sick, body ached like a very bad flu, nausea, went to bed and just layed there. She had dry heaves and definitely tripped, but a very bad trip. I initially had a great trip for the first 4 hours, not balls-out, but certainly not reality. Walls were moving, the shower felt like paradise, it was great...then it hit me. Hours of trying to make myself puke and just a 'horrid' feeling in my whole body...while tripping...not fun. It lasted 10 hours!!!

Third time I read about the various side effects caused. One is a strycnyne effect (bad flu aching), the other is nausea. Both effects are caused by different parts of the seeds but NOT THE LSA (the acid). I read that the nausea part is soluble in water, so don't take them that way. I read that the strychnine part is in the seed pulp, so you don't want to ingest that. The EASIEST AND BEST way I found to avoid as much of both as possible without having to use solvents and naptha and all that crap is to do the following.

Third time me and same woman did the following. 100 seeds ground in coffee grinder, placed in small vessel with a shot of vodka, shake every so often for 3-12 hours (not sure if time makes a difference, but longer the better in my opinion). Strain through coffee filter 2-3 times. We took that 'woody' smelling vodka and mixed it with ice and ginger ale. After about 1-2 hours we noticed that we were 'high'. It was a high much like marijuana, but it didn't go away. Smiles, laughter, fun-loving attitudes, happy, sense of 'widened' vision. Lasted 6-8 hours. Very good, very fun.

I noticed she got more off it than I did and my 250lb friend got less than me. Leads me to believe that with this recipe an optimal dose would be ONE SEED PER POUND OF BODY WEIGHT. I am 153lbs, so next time I will try 153 seeds ground up, steeped in vodka, strained and drunk.

NO SIDE EFFECTS WHATSOEVER for US with this method. It was a leap of faith to try again after our last episode...but for a legal psychedelic I can harvest of my parents mailbox it's worth it. Oh yeah, these seeds came from my over a THOUSAND of them, and that was only 1/2 of them that were seeds from the wild are just as potent!


Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 10703
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 9, 2019Views: 968
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