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The Best Night of My Life
MDA (Ecstasy)
by R
Citation:   R. "The Best Night of My Life: An Experience with MDA (Ecstasy) (exp107129)". Feb 23, 2017.

T+ 0:00
1 tablet oral MDA
  T+ 0:50 1 tablet oral MDA
  T+ 3:30 1 tablet oral MDA
  T+ 7:00 5 bowls smoked Cannabis
I had smoked weed for a while and was looking into something new, something fun. My best friends suggested I take some pills (party drugs) for the first time and heading out clubbing for the night. We booked a hotel, got tickets to a show and checked in around 2:00pm.

The hotel was nice. It had views, was excellently furnished and I was with my best friend N. The plan was that he and I check into the hotel early so we could settle in and get our stuff ready for the night ahead, before his girlfriend (who I will refer to as M) arrived later that evening. We played music in the hotel for a little while before leaving to walk around the city, looking at clothes and just hanging out in general. I was told that enjoying your time before taking MDA based pills will actually enhance the experience, and I was having a damn good day so far.

On our way back to the hotel, my friend and I passed one of his clubbing friends, who joined us at the hotel for pre’s. M arrived soon after and the four of us just sat in the hotel room, listening to music and chatting, having a good time. Another girl joined us later on, who stayed until we were ready to leave the hotel and went to a different club. I didn’t see her again that night but did see her the following morning as I walked past her outside the hotel.

10:30pm; we left the hotel and walked to the club (it was only around the corner so it didn’t take long to get there)

10:40pm; we arrived at the club, the line to get inside was pretty long, so we were lucky we had tickets, which generally gets you inside faster than door sales. We didn’t go straight to the line, instead we found a nice park bench to sit, relax and drop. This is where I dropped my first pill.

11:00pm; after waiting in the line for a good 15 minutes, we had finally got inside. I had been to this club before, sober, and enjoyed my time. I was very interested to see how the pills would change my experience. Feeling nothing yet, I just sort of hung out with my friends and listened to the music. I wasn’t feeling the pill yet but I was feeling pretty happy with how well my day had been and was ready for a good night.

11:10pm; Feeling a slight tingle through my body. I was with N at the time and I told him “I think I’m coming up”. He smiled and told me to go to the dance-floor. So I did.

The music playing at this event was dubstep. In-case you are unfamiliar with dubstep, it is an intense, electronic music. I try to appreciate all types and genres of music and dubstep was something I listened to occasionally. Anyway, the music got progressively more intense and seemed to sound better as time passed by and the pill kicked in more.

11:30pm; the pill had reached its peak by this point. I was really enjoying myself, I was connected with the music and having a lot of fun. The bass was just taken to another level and I felt incredible. Although the feeling was great, it was not the kind of euphoria and intensity I was led to believe and N suggested I have a second pill. So I dropped another one.

12:00am; feeling…amazing. It’s as if the second pill kind of bumped the first one. It hit a lot harder and faster and simply took my night to another level. I was experiencing music like never before and I was just having way too much fun. This was more like what I expected my first pill to be like. N suggested that because of weed, my body may have developed a bit of tolerance to the pills (I hadn’t smoked for the past three days prior to this experience but I don’t doubt his opinion).

I met friends of mine in the club who asked how I was going and if I was enjoying the pills. I told them of how much I was loving the experience and had quite a good, long conversation with them. They also said that for my first time, I was handling them quite well. I was enjoying being around friends and partying like never before.

2:00am; (thereabouts) I felt like the pills were slowly wearing off and decided to have my third and last pill for the night. Before doing this, I checked with N to get his opinion to see if he thought it would be a good idea. He said I had handled the first two very well and said I will be okay to have a third if I feel like it. I decided to drop a third pill. N and M left around 2:30 and headed back to the hotel, they said they were going to stay up for a while and will be awake when I get back to the hotel.

From here on, I simply had the most incredible, most fun night of my life and could not put into words how great it felt, laughing and dancing with all my friends in the club. It was simply amazing. I left the club at 5:00am when it closed. On my walk back, I bought an iced tea and a lollipop for the journey back to hotel. I stopped on the way and talked to others who left the club, as they just asked how I was going. We had a good little chat before I went on my way to the hotel. When I got back, N and M were still up and said they were going to sleep now that I am back. I was feeling kind of tired and was coming down and felt like having some weed. I turned the shower on full heat and steamed the hell out of the bathroom until I was confident it would mask the smell, then lit up. I had 5 bowls and then went to bed. I couldn’t sleep for a while because I still had a bit of energy left from the pills so I decided to listen to music for a while before I went to sleep. I just felt as if I were laying on a cloud, I was so comfortable. I got these weird, cool closed eye visuals, which were very detailed. I don’t remember all of the visuals I had but I can remember seeing these patterns of brown with yellow waves running through it, which were kind of pulsing and waving. I just laid back and let my mind run wild and watched these visuals for an hour or so before I was ready to go to sleep.

To summarize, I probably had the best night of my life. Thanks for reading.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 107129
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Feb 23, 2017Views: 1,892
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MDA (34) : Club / Bar (25), First Times (2)

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