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I Did Not Know This Was Possible
Cannabis (edible)
by Roze
Citation:   Roze. "I Did Not Know This Was Possible: An Experience with Cannabis (edible) (exp107132)". May 18, 2019.

1 oral Cannabis (edible / food)
Bad Trip on Marijuana

I’ve smoked Marijuana a few times with friends but never really inhaled enough to get high beyond a little light-headedness and the feeling I wanted to fly. I then tried it a few times for my sleep problem but it didn’t really work so I stopped.

One night my friend brought home a big box of brownies. I said to myself, let me give this one more try, and this time don’t be so chicken about your dosage. So I ate a whole brownie but I forgot that the guy who baked them packed them really well because he’d been smoking for over 40 years (so he has quite a tolerance). An hour later it really hit the fan.

Everything around me started getting distorted. My boyfriend and his brother became really large while I felt like a bug crawling on the floor. I screamed “get me out of this trip” but they told me the best thing to do was to sit back and enjoy it. Pictures on the wall started moving and objects in the room got really close then really far. Everything turned black and white, then different one-hue colors. I remembered that I took this in order to fall asleep so I tried to get to the bedroom but couldn’t move my body!
I tried to get to the bedroom but couldn’t move my body!
At that point I was terrified and blacked out. I floated up into what felt like a different dimension and floated in and out of colors. At some point I was back into my body but it was burning all over, also I had such a dry mouth I couldn’t swallow. My hands and feet were ice cold, my muscles were twitching and my heart was racing. Then my neck got really long, my head went into the sky and I left again for another trip. The colors I was floating in were really intense, then changed to fire and then to flowers.

Back in my body I tried to use the bathroom so I could get some sleep, but once sitting on the toilet it felt not real so I thought I better not pee. This was a mistake because it kept me up all night, I tried two more times to go to the bathroom but I couldn’t pee. The hallway from the bathroom got distorted and looked endlessly long, so I screamed at my boyfriend to come and get me. I also felt like I was going to die and asked him to call the emergency room, but he thought I can just sleep it off. He was right, a few hours later I was fine, but it felt like I had come back from hell.

I did not know this was possible on cannabis or marijuana. My friend (my boyfriend’s brother) reassured me there was nothing else in the brownies, although I heard that nowadays the THC-levels are much higher than they used to be.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 107132
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 42
Published: May 18, 2019Views: 1,059
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Cannabis (1) : Overdose (29), Bad Trips (6), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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