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A Night at Los Cahorros
Citation:   Wisifu. "A Night at Los Cahorros: An Experience with 2C-B (exp107169)". Erowid.org. Jan 4, 2017. erowid.org/exp/107169

T+ 0:00
16 mg oral 2C-B
  T+ 2:00   smoked Cannabis
My friend Antonius and I (Wisifu) decided to have an experience with 2CB.

The Saturday I decided to dedicate the whole day to prepare my body and my mind for the trip. I went to the gym, sauna, spa. In the afternoon I meditated and made some mindfulness exercises to stay in the present and prevent any type of paranoia that could come with the trip.

We were very lucky with the location, a house in the mountains, without electricity or surrounding neighbours, and a land with a lot of trees and plants. We were accompanied by two nice dogs (Bu and Chiqui), that guarded us every moment.

At 21:00 we took 16mg each one, normal dose. I could have chosen 25inBOME, instead of 2CB, but decided for something that I already could manage from prior experiences, and give my friend the opportunity to try this wonderful present of chemistry. My intuition told me it would be better for both of us.

21:20. First physical sensations, in the back of my neck, not very strong, just a shivering.

22:00. Here comes the high. I started looking for the visual sensations that I remembered from past experiences, like the changing skin effect, or the fish tank sensation, and found them, but in a subtle way.

22:20. The physical high started, in strong waves that I could feel all over my body. My friend had more problems than me, but he could manage them. He decided to let up control of the situation to the substance and didn't try to avoid it. This time was for me a complexer experience, due to the very different ways the 2cb was playing with our senses. Sometimes physical (feeling like floating, or like if we were in a big ship attacked by a storm), another moments visual (fish tank sensation, changing faces on the mirror, white trees on fire, the city on fire, Escher drawings alive, changes of the size of things, changing textures, microworlds), hilarious ( lot of laughs listening to music or just by myself), introspective (closing the eyes made me have a lot hallucinations and thoughts), even intellectual ( I could remember and sing a lot of old lyrics). It didn't gave us time to breathe, everything was like a roller coaster.

We experienced some peaks and valleys, like in the graphics, they were physically very strong. We tried to listen to our bodies all the time and stayed outside of the house, due to the strange sensations inside, especially in a room filled with beds. If we stayed inside the house for a small amount of time our body sensation changed a lot, and it was like not being high.

01:00. We were laughing a lot inside a car, paying a lot of attention to the music and making jokes. When we went outside we were physically very clean, like if it was all over. I think that staying too much time doing the same thing and giving a lot of attention to the intellectual part of my brain made the substance follow this way. My friend thought it was all over and started writing about the experience. He draw very sexual pictures without realising it (vaginas).

01:30. We ate a little bit of soup, our bodies felt tired, it seemed it was all over. Lots of laughs.

02:00. We went to sleep, and staring at the sky, after smoking a big joint, the visual effects started again. I decided to close my eyes and enjoy the spectacle of lights and slides inside my head till I fell asleep at 04:00.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 107169
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 35
Published: Jan 4, 2017Views: 1,582
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2C-B (52) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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