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A Night in the Famous Studio of Atlantic City
Citation:   J.A.H.. "A Night in the Famous Studio of Atlantic City: An Experience with Ecstasy (exp10721)". Jul 27, 2005.

2 tablets oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
I pop the pill, grip a beer and start talking to my friend. After about 15 minutes the feelings of rapid thought and movement subsided, and a wave of warmth, comfort, and overall well being flooded my body. I feel a slight rush, my heartbeat is quicker, my palm’s sweaty and color is intensified. My legs began to feel tingly at first and then later my whole body began to radiate with this wonderful new sensation. My state of mind changed completely, so I got up and started to explore my ~New World~. When I stood up my legs feel weightless; I am not so much descending the stairs as floating down them. In the main hall house music infuses themselves upon my mind, I am controlled by the music, a once withdrawn and painfully shy individual, I now find myself dancing with maniacal glee. I looked around at the people in the crowd, all focused on the music, smiles on their faces, moving their bodies to the rhythm. They all seemed incredibly beautiful to me. This may seem a strange statement, particularly to the uninitiated, but it was a very natural feeling to me. The appearance of a friend causes a huge surge of love to overcome me, I throw my arms around him and, and begin a continuous stream of tripped out dialogue, very little of which I can remember.

I went around the room hugging everyone and to see how people really felt about me evoked an unforgettable improvement in my self-confidence. I kissed a couple girls on the cheek simply because it felt good. I felt no lust but instead I was in a state of awe of the beauty I saw in all of the girls. Girls seemed so incredibly amazing and majestic and gorgeous. I felt so suave and I felt no nervousness around girls that in the “real” I would have been to scared to walk up too. [I was exactly who I’d always wanted to be.] I had to meet people. I went outside and walked around and every girl I saw I just hugged her and told her how cute and beautiful she looked. The pills had kicked in hard. The music was flooding my soul and I was easily slipping into the music, becoming the music, feeling the music flow through me. I felt completely myself around people I’d never met. My friends knew what I was experiencing and were taking immense joy in seeing me awaken to this new consciousness. For me, this was a miracle…

I went from a semi-shy guy…to this friendly warm-hearted person with a wonderful personality that people seemed to be drawn to. I started to see myself for who I really am. My friends form a perfect circle made of the most diverse personalities, which makes each of us special and unique. When you are rolling you speak the truth from your heart and you bond with others because your fears are washed away. I have always had a problem with telling people how I feel but when I roll I speak my mind and tell everyone just how important they are to me and how I appreciate everything they do for me and how much I love them. People were walking up and talking to me and I would just smile and have the best conversations with complete strangers. I wasn’t afraid anymore to speak, I didn’t think of rejection. The magic I felt the night I rolled will last a life time because it has led me ‘home’ to people who truly care for me and love me for who I truly am. All I could think of was how important I felt, how I was the center of attention, how all my fears melted away with just one pill.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 10721
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 27, 2005Views: 5,448
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MDMA (3) : Glowing Experiences (4), Club / Bar (25)

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