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Not a Waste of Time... at All
Citation:   ElektroFreak. "Not a Waste of Time... at All: An Experience with 5-Methoxymethylone (exp107212)". Erowid.org. Apr 11, 2018. erowid.org/exp/107212

120 mg oral 5-Methoxymethylone (powder / crystals)
From my somewhat limited Chemistry knowledge this compound 2-A1MP should actually be called N-Methoxy-bk-MDMA or bk-N-Methoxy-MDMA (not sure which order is more accurate or scientifically supported) based on it's structure... I can only assume it has the title it does to make it's relatives less obvious.

I've ingested 120mg of crystal clear shards of this compound not long ago by myself in an experimental capacity. Direct and to the point: given my tolerance to these types of things the fact that I felt anything at 120mg is impressive. I no longer feel 120mg of pure MDMA very strongly at all, it takes double that to really get me going.

The duration of this compound (2-A1MP appears to be the most common name) was shorter than MDMA, around 2 hours for the peak effects with another hour or so back to baseline, but definitely not a waste of time imo. As with methylone (at least in my case) there was zero hangover and the return to baseline was silky smooth. It's also more like methylone in that there are no waves of sensation, it was a steady buzz, but differed in that there was some visual activity. Walls breathing etc, but nothing overt, all quite subtle at this dose. Taking more would likely be a really good time by my logic anyway :-)

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 107212
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 32
Published: Apr 11, 2018Views: 1,550
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5-Methoxymethylone (840) : Unknown Context (20), General (1)

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