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Running Down a Dream
Citation:   TheProgFrog. "Running Down a Dream: An Experience with Kratom (exp107259)". Jun 15, 2018.

1 tsp oral Kratom (ground / crushed)
I've been using kratom for almost a year now, it has quickly become my favorite drug to use for recreational purposes. In this report I'm going to take you through an average experience for me and try to get into detail about how I feel whilst on the drug.

Setting: I'm alone in my house during the day, its late morning and I've been drinking lots of water for the past hour. I haven't had anything to eat since the previous evening (roughly 10 hours).

Mindset: I'm feeling quite excited this morning, I've taken a couple weeks off from kratom for tolerance (and work related) reasons. I'm happy to have the whole day to myself and know quite well what I am in for with a relatively high dose of kratom.

I head downstairs with a big glass of water and turn on my TV and PS4, I throw on countdown to ecstasy by steely dan. It's one of my favorite albums, it sounds very energetic and just puts a big smile on my face whenever I listen to it.

I open up my old guitar case that now serves as my kratom storage unit, I put about a teaspoon into my mouth at a time and then swish water around until its mixed up enough to swallow. I do this until I've consumed about two and a half teaspoons or five grams of kratom.

'Theres no denying this stuff tastes horrible', I think to myself as I walk over to my couch and lay down facing the tv. I check my phone to note the time, its only been about a minute since I took my last gulp of kratom-y water.

At around five minutes in I start to feel somewhat uncomfortable, my heart rate increases slightly and I become very aware of a heavy, hazy feeling that is slowly spreading throughout my entire body. I'm still enjoying myself and the music is beginning to sound like it has a little more 'oomph' to it. I know this feeling of uncertainty will pass and it is a sign of good things to come. I stretch a little, settle back into the cushions of my couch and try to relax

It's been about fifteen minutes since I've dosed now, the unease has all but disappeared (as I knew it would) and I've settled in to a slow but steady climb in effects. I feel nice and warm, my heart rate is still a little faster than normal but its not bothering me now. I'm completely content to do nothing but listen to steely dan and zone out to the image of the album cover displayed on my TV screen.

Thirty minutes after dosing and I'm smack dab in the middle of what I would call the 'peak'
Thirty minutes after dosing and I'm smack dab in the middle of what I would call the 'peak'
of my kratom experience. I'm very, very cozy lying on my couch .my mind is sort of like a blank canvass and the music I'm listening to is the paint. I feel like I sometimes do right before I am about to fall asleep, when my thoughts drift effortlessly from one intriguing fantasy to another. Except here I am, awake (for the most part) and able to explore and enjoy this resting state.

Visually everything has an ever so shimmery dream-like quality to it, it's nothing profound and fairly subtle but it is definitely there. Ah if only I could stay this way all day. I yawn and stretch my body from the tips of my fingers to my toes and then settle back in to the couch.

An hour into the experience and I'm feeling very sleepy, I've still got some music going (Gentle Giant this time) and I'm still on my couch. Most of the euphoria I was experiencing earlier has died down quite a bit, I go outside for a cigarette which is absolutely delightful and brings those feelings of euphoria back to the surface for a minute or so.

Back on my couch now (notice a pattern here? Haha) I'm very warm and having trouble concentrating on anything for too long. If I really put the effort in I'd be just fine to go to a job interview or some social event like that but it feels so good to just let go and close my eyes. I drift in and out of little mini-naps (like a minute or so) not really asleep but then not really awake. I'm still feeling all of the effects I described at the half hour mark, just less pronounced.

Well its been about two hours now, I ended up having a short nap (about a half hour) I still feel the effects but much less than earlier. The awesome 'one foot in a dream' feeling has subsided into a dull utilitarian buzz. If I actually apply myself and try to get work done at this stage I notice a pleasant amount of extra energy that I wouldn't otherwise have while sober. I make myself a huge sandwich (I haven't eaten in over 12 hours) and watch some cartoons whilst eating. The food really dulls down any effects I may still be feeling and within an hour I'm back to good ol' baseline.

I thoroughly enjoy kratom.

PS: its great for headaches, hangovers and body pains as well!

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 107259
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Jun 15, 2018Views: 1,417
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Kratom (203) : Glowing Experiences (4), General (1), Alone (16)

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