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Some Scary Scenes I Can't Remember
Citation:   Brooklyn bomber. "Some Scary Scenes I Can't Remember: An Experience with LSD (exp10726)". Jan 20, 2018.

1 hit sublingual LSD (blotter / tab)
  2 hits sublingual LSD (blotter / tab)
The first time I tripped was with 3 of my close friends and we all took one hit. This particular blotter acid was a (spider-man) and, obviously had a little picture of the face of spider-man on it. This was a wonderful experience and I felt a sense of closeness to my friends, and it was during the day, cause we had skipped school, and the sky was so big, BLUE, and beautiful. We walked through the woods for a hour just looking at plants and picking flowers and buds off different plants and bushes; I felt a real respect for the beauty and naturalness of nature. Then we came up on a railroad track, and it just so happened that a train came by at that time, and it was loud as hell. And I could feel the ground shaking. But this isn't the bad experience.

The second time I tripped I really messed up. It was a week later from the previous first trip of my life, and I had gotten 3 of these (spider-mans), and from what I had heard from experienced trippers was that these spider-mans were good, and I agreed considering my first trip. I bought 3, one for me, my best friend who I hadn't tripped with and his brother. We had planned to do it on a saturday night. Unfortunately, my parents had planned to go to a nascar race early the nest morning and I had to be there real early at like 5am,so I could watch my little sister. SO I was at home alone, cause my parents were in bed sleeping, and my friend corey and his brother had decided to go to a club since we weren't tripping. I stayed up late that night watching t.v. Cause I was bored and at 12 started to watch 'Space Cowboys', and I was bored and wanted to have some fun and took one spider-man, after and hour into the movie I felt as if it wasn't really effecting me, and being a unexperienced user of acid; not knowing the power of it; and still questing for that true trip, like in the movies and stuff where u have alot of visuals. So wanting more effect I took the other 2. So now I have 3 spider-mans in me and I'm watching 'space Cowboys', I first started to notice that Clint Eastwood's face looked real weird and sort of twisted, and in the movie they're working on this satellite in outer space that is supposedly this Russian communication satellite. But in the movie its a conspiracy, and the satellite is actually this nuclear warhead satellite still up in space from the cold war. Now when this things goes into attack mode, I felt like I was in a dam I-max theatre, and this thing was giant, and I was like ok I'm tripping now, so I turn it off and go to my computer and start to play a computer game called Counter-Strike, but I find myself just staring off into the screen and like breaking down every pixel on the monitor, so return to the television but only to flip through the channels, and note this was only my second time tripping and the first time I didn't have any real visuals, but this time I was in for some.

I turn on the T.v. And start to watch ESPN and they have a male aerobics contest. Except I cant hear the announcers no matter how hard I concentrate, I never knew acid could effect the hearing. The contestants are jumping around on stage, moving real fast, but he scary part was all their heads were shaping into demons, and they were growling, so I flip to ESPN2, this one is sportscenter, and as they were showing the highlights all the games were in total slow motion to me, no matter how hard I tried it wouldn't stop moving in slow motion, and then I flip to HBO where they were playing 'Lake Placid', the one with the giant killer crocdile, and the peoples' faces kept shifting, and there skin would peel back off their face into another shape, and I saw some scary scenes that I can't really remember, but now at this point I have this deep dark fear, and not being able to handle it I decide to try to fight it and just goto bed, so I go upstairs and lie in my bed, I remember just lieing there playing with my hands, and looking at feet which seemed to be a mile away at the end of the bed, I felt a fear that I wouldn't come out of it cause I had taken too much and remember thinking that over and over that I was going to go into a permanent trip, and when my parents got up to get ready for the race I was still tripping lieing in my bed tense and frozen like a stiff dead person trying to pretend I was asleep as my mom came in to my room to say by, but she skipped across the room; and I couldn't even understand the words she said, and as she left I thought about how much I loved her and how mad she would be if she knew of the stupid shit that I do, and my little sister came in and layed with me after my parents left and this was like 7 in the morn, and she noticed that I was wide awake, and she asked me what was wrong and I just began to cry and told her she would never understand, then I got up at took a shower, when I got out I felt so cold and body felt like crap so I layed in bed again, and just went into a daze and I don't know if I fell asleep or not but at like 11am I came to my senses, and got up and was delighted to notice that I wasn't tripping anymore, and my eyes weren't dialated and I could actually think. I swore that I would never trip again, but I have many times since then, but nothing ever close to that night.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 10726
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 20, 2018Views: 1,081
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LSD (2) : General (1), Difficult Experiences (5), Bad Trips (6), Alone (16)

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