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The Sacred Realm
Morning Glory
Citation:   D. Englishman. "The Sacred Realm: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp107288)". Sep 4, 2018.

T+ 0:00
199 seeds oral Morning Glory (tea)
  T+ 0:45   smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 0:00   smoked Tobacco  
  T+ 10:00   oral Diphenhydramine  
Traveled to deep woods and set up camp.

About 6:00 pm, prepared myself with a Thelemic banishing ritual. In my nervousness about what was to come, I left out part of the ritual then repeated it correctly. I have had numerous experiences with psilocybin and LSD, mostly very positive but with some terrifying interludes, but none previously with morning glory. I began with an attitude of excitement and profound respect for the spiritual, psychological, and physical effects of such substances. I have taken psychedelics in wilderness settings in the past but always either with a friend or in a campground. This was the first time I had done so entirely on my own.

Drank the tea (Morning Glory Seeds Heavenly Blue oral cold infusion) at one go. It was almost tasteless. Watched the fire as I waited for the effects to come on.

About T+0.45: Experienced some intensifying of the experience of the darkening woods. There were also uncomfortable gastrointestinal effects. Didn’t feel like I needed to throw up, but my insides were not happy. Eventually, decided to try a hit of cannabis in hopes it would help with the physical effects. Almost instantly, my abdominal distress became easier to deal with and the effect of intensely feeling the woods was increased multifold. I felt the beauty intensely. I became conscious of the clear, starlit sky above through the leaves.
I felt the beauty intensely. I became conscious of the clear, starlit sky above through the leaves.

I felt fear of the sacred. Could I look upon God and live? There were also the usual fear of being in woods with the possibility of encountering bear and coyote. I also felt the rapid beating of my heart and was somewhat concerned about it.

Spontaneously began reciting aloud from The Book of the Law, verses 1-15, a verse or two at a time, silently pondering the significance. It seemed that Nature around me was a great, receptive audience. “Every man and every woman is a star” gave me great comfort.

Sitting by the campfire and staring into it, thought of Moses seeing the burning bush. It was clear to me I was in the sacred realm. Had access to the consciousness beyond personality. The flames were for me reminiscent of the fiery kundalini serpent. Thought of the serpent of Eden and life and death. I thought of the eternal love of the divine Father and Mother. Knew everything I saw was God.

There was also a strong Native American vibe to the trip. Perhaps this was influenced by the Indian names to a great many of the local features. Perhaps my reading about the morning glory being sacred to Native Mexicans also played a part. Thought of being around the campfire with the tribe and stories being told. The stories were inside my mind but were no less vital for this.

Remembered my intention of working on feelings of shame during this time. Felt, very simply, shame was nonsense in the light of divine that is in me.

Continued to take hits of cannabis and smoke my tobacco pipe when felt it helpful to make physical effect tolerable.

Around me, the woods seemed part of an elaborate grid of reality. Closed my eyes and felt myself in its net. Was in the embrace of Gaia and felt warm and loved despite the chill of the night. There were geometric patterns that appeared when I closed my eyes. When I opened my eyes my vision seemed more or less normal. The interpretation of what I saw, though, was quite wonderful. Saw figures in the flames and coals of the campfire. I lay back on the tarp in front of my tent and gazed up at the stars. Appreciated each star as it beamed down to me.

The bliss continued. Eventually, felt a sleepiness. Also felt as if muscles were strained and an intense, internal vibration, like an electric motor, in me.

About T+8: I lay down in the tent, too tired to do much of anything, too awake to sleep. I took some diphenhydramine that allowed me to fall asleep about T+10.

All in all, would have had a hard time distinguishing the experience from psilocybin, except for the more pronounced soporific effects of the morning glory.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 107288
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 45
Published: Sep 4, 2018Views: 799
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Morning Glory (38) : Nature / Outdoors (23), General (1), Alone (16)

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