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I Could Understand the Code
Citation:   JDSalinger. "I Could Understand the Code: An Experience with DMT (exp107385)". Apr 9, 2021.

3 hits smoked DMT
Thoughts After First DMT Trip

I took DMT for the first time yesterday, hearing about it and doing a lot of research before hand, I wanted to break through. Went to a really quiet beach and put the whole point in a bong, at first didn’t have enough to break through, but after going can understand the visuals that I was seeing. It was as if 3d objects were becoming 2d and it was the physical world starting to break down. After the visuals stopped, probably 5 minutes, I realised there was still more so I tried again. Another hit and small visuals but wasn't enough but immediately tried again this time roaching really slowly.

As soon as I started to exhale the visuals came on so strong that I just had enough time to realise I was going to break through before it happened. There I was without any attachment to my physical self feeling completely timeless. This feeling can be best described as how Christians believe God feels or is. And without experiencing it it is impossible to comprehend because it is beyond anything we can comprehend. In this state I could see the universe, its written in a language unfamiliar to anything I have ever seen yet it is so complex and intelligent. Its mathematical in nature and is like seeing the entire universe as a blueprint, at that state, unhindered by physical restrictions I could understand the code and the sensation of that knowledge was overwhelming, it was there that I realised what I was, I was a thought. Using the code I could break myself down to nothing more than a thought yet so very much more than a thought in the universe. I saw that I could then stop becoming a thought and would disappear as a physical and spiritual being all together. This got me stuck in a strange hole where I wasn’t sure of my physical existence anymore or what reality really was. This part is very very hard to explain so will be left at that.

I realised I was real and on a DMT trip but wasn’t able to reconnect, so I tried to talk and said, ‘stop, I want to stop.’ My friends heard me saying this and touched me, that was enough for me to reconnect to my physical being. Reconnecting was very strange after going so far, all of my senses were rebooting language too. That feeling is super cool coming from where I went and adjusting to my physical self. Residual visuals lasted maybe 5 minutes then everything was fine just in a state of zen and also disbelief as my mind is trying to process an infinite amount of experience that is normally beyond my understanding. I have some background in philosophy and theology and as a result found the whole experience very enlightening. Even though I understand my physical being as being real to me I question if it is the thought that is really real and our body’s just a personification of that made up of code. Which biologically that is what a body is yet being able to see and comprehend it is, wow!

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 107385
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Apr 9, 2021Views: 710
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DMT (18) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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