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Fear Loathing Wonderment in the Military
Citation:   Psychedelic Sailor. "Fear Loathing Wonderment in the Military: An Experience with DXM (exp107407)". Erowid.org. Feb 3, 2022. erowid.org/exp/107407

690 mg oral DXM (pill / tablet)
It was at a period of time in my life when I was in dire need of the depressing reality and insanity of military life and was determined to escape if I could not do so at least in the flesh; I would have had just a few beers with some buddies of mine but I was under twenty-one, able to die for my country but not allowed to have a drink. I went to the commissary on base as we all had grown accustomed, those of us denied the right to imbibe, and purchased many boxes of DXM in a generic pill form and downed them in my barracks with a couple brothers of mine as we watched Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas and waited for a new reality to wash over me in the usual waves.

By now we have grown used to the weekend tradition and the entire base would at times look like land of the dead do to people tripping balls rather than staggering drunk; those of us in the know who were young at the time were experienced psychonauts by the time we left “A” school and were able to recognize our own, while the higher ranked and elder sailors and marines were either off base or too drunk to notice.

About ten minutes later my stomach felt a little unsettled but my body was definitely recognizing that I had just done something to it once again… the feeling of impending uncertainty of how many infinities I will experience, or universes; whether or not it would be introverted to a mix CD or to be extroverted on the beach or in the enlisted club arcade was also still uncertain. We were just getting a good laugh in in order to set a good tone for what was to come.

A half hour or so later a tsunami of vomit was crawling up my throat and I hardly was able to round the corner to even look at the bathroom door, let alone get there, but thank god both the door and toilet lid were open. I projectile vomited like the exorcist and didn’t spill a single drop… oddly enough there are many weird miracles that were to follow. I sat down and allowed wave after wave of the trips arrival to wash over me… as if to say “hello again, I am here to stay… you just fucked up… again.” In absolute bewilderment my buddies asked if I was okay and I said, “Yeah… I just need a sip of red bull” and sat down with them and continued to watch the movie as we waited for everyone to begin. My Irish friend from Detroit suggested boondock saints being put on and we all thought it would be more mild than what was on so he changed it on the PlayStation we were using to watch DVDs.

Nausea subsided in a matter of moments as my other Irish friend (we were all Irish) began to start yawning and stretching which helps smooth the translation… so we all did that as well and sat back down. Thinking I’d put my feet up on a chair to use as in improvised ottoman my leg shot up there at the speed of thought, to my wonderment I was realizing this was to be an extroverted experience as I now have super power speed… which I wanted to test.

They were not so adventurous by then now fully in the depth of a dex trip, and I am particularly adept at crossing a quarterdeck on psychedelics. Having made it out safely I walked across the base feeling carried by the wind. And when I noticed the street light… ahh, the streetlights… they cast a singular beam linking them all forming a horizon of blurred light. I made my way to the enlisted club, whose name I will not mention as it would narrow down which base, however, I hopped onto the Initial D 2 arcade game and raced anyone who’d be foolish enough to gamble it away, I was a pro at the game… and when on DXM I have been told I can close my eyes for moments without messing up a single turn; little did they know I could see it through my eyelids by either memory or miracle I left the place with eighty more dollars than in which I entered; I was beginning to feel the need to lay down and decided to make my way cut across toward the barracks once more via the beach to avoid the crowds, it’s always funny how that first step is a giant one which thankfully nobody noticed.

The beach was nice and cool and the sand slowed me down to which I felt was an impossibly large frozen desert I was crossing and laid down for a bit to stare up at the stars and rested for a bit with periods of closed eye visuals. After what turned out to be 15 minutes at the beach, seemed to me a lifetime, and I continued my pilgrimage to my rack, a holy sanctuary were one can commune with the universe and no one bothers me…people always assume sleep.

Having arrived to my rack I put on some music and unleash my mind to go at large and at play. I will not speak too much of Xenon, whose sole existence is a city led by a dictator, but his wife whose name I did not know held me. She was a petite but very well endowed blonde with red eyes and she and I stayed together for some time in a sweet embrace until we were discovered by the emperor Xavier… It was my own fall really, my forehead touched the wall next to me and it opened up a window/portal and I saw his face… so menacing and terrible I sat up. And as I sat up city blocks emerged as my flight was the lifting of my head from a pillow, and the weave and weft, which were once bustling city streets were now just the fabric of my pillow case. My pillow had at that time revealed itself to me it can be a portal… one which I have used many times since then but no longer (DXM no longer provides me with visions… so I don’t take it anymore).

My roommate walks in and said “why are you in here so early, I’m getting ready to head out to the enlisted club want to join me?” I told him I was already there but was chilling here with a beautiful blonde babe to which he was impressed and looked around for her to no avail. “Is she in the bathroom, how did you sneak her in?” to which I replied… “she had red eyes.” Realizing I was dexed out again he was all too eager to join and easily finds a pyramid I had stacked of boxes which… brought on a memory of being chased up a pyramid by dinosaurs, but it was very vague as it happened centuries ago.

I call my two Irish buddies and let them know that I have returned and to meet me at the room. I was feeling powerful and infinitely light, but I couldn’t figure out if I was forgetting I was breathing, or forgetting to breathe.
I was feeling powerful and infinitely light, but I couldn’t figure out if I was forgetting I was breathing, or forgetting to breathe.
I eventually hear a knock at the door and positioning myself between the bunks like an Olympian on parallel bars I sought to lower myself …but no; my arms locked and my legs did too, kicking forward against the wall locker at an ungodly angle to which I was going from perpendicular to parallel to the floor… “Some real exorcist shit” as my buddy from Detroit called it.

Having gotten down eventually I opened the door and my friends rushed in saying the junior officer of the deck almost caught them. My teeth kept chattering at this point, as I had not realized I was cold… all this time I though the clicking sound was the sound of me hearing the spiders in the room talking. I had to get coffee. Hot coffee. And so I made another pilgrim’s progress down to the quarterdeck were the vending machine was, but was stopped by someone asking the time. So I asked them if I looked high, I don’t know why I asked this… it couldn’t have been all the oppressive fluorescent lights, but I asked it. And it was at that point my stomach dropped at the realization I could be standing before the Commanding officer by morning. But he was cool and said” nah, man, I wouldn’t had known n if you hadn’t said anything.

Well, he sent me back to the room and delivered the coffees for us and we watched jackass on DVD. But I kept going in and out of reality in my rack until the 8 hour trip wore off. 8 eternities and 8 universe later I slowly descend back into a now tolerable existence. At some point I was trapped in a crystal in an intergalactic space conference, which at the time was a matter of contention (human apparently are not ready). But all in all it was a good time and then we went out on base passed 2 am ad sought distraction as all hardworking sailors do, watching the local fights at the beach fight club and hung out with some chicks trying to score. I remember DXM got me through some hard time seeing people die and dealing with bureaucracy… it used to make me feel like I was on a boat sailing the clouds. But the law of diminishing return is a deadly game with DXM, once the salt loses its savor LET IT GO. My Irish buddy who introduced me to it died from it. The visions grew darker at first. Then they grew less visual. After that if one takes more than their body weight to target plateau ratio… game over. A word of the wise, stick to that which is a natural entheogen… its safe/r and has always been a positive experience in my life. Cannabis and shrooms are an amazing way to cope with PTSD… alcohol is not; that too is fatal.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 107407
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Feb 3, 2022Views: 604
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DXM (22) : General (1), Military (48)

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