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I Am a New Person Now
Citation:   Alexandre. "I Am a New Person Now: An Experience with DMT (exp107417)". Apr 21, 2021.

1 bowl smoked DMT
I broke through on my second time to use DMT. I am at peace with my life and my death. I no longer feel this permanent anxiety lingering inside of me. I also was uncontrollably smiling and laughing during and after. It's unimaginable.

With the DMT experience I realized I had the capacity to direct and design my own experience. I could have had a visual experience with my eyes open; I could have watched the kaleidoscope-like colors with my eyes closed (I did briefly), but I had spiritual intentions for this experience. This breakthrough experience I focused on dealing with my life's problems, my fears and my anxiety.

When I began to enter the trip I was trying to let go, but I couldn't seem to do it and it worried about me another bad trip. But I broke through and beyond. I remember the moment that I broke through I was leaving my physical body. All of the sudden my existence as no longer only myself in the present, but also the past and the future. I was my real, complete self. I was my past, present, and future all at the same time.

Now life is different now. I feel I am experiencing everything again for the first time. All of my senses have been reset. I am living in the moment; I love to look at all the beauty around me, the nature. I also feel very aware of the people around me and their emotions and life experiences.

I am so glad to be alive and this experience was very valuable and enlightening. Although there is far too much to explain in words.

[Reported Dose: ".09 grams smoked from a bong"]

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 107417
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Apr 21, 2021Views: 504
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DMT (18) : Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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