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Alcohol & Kratom
Citation:   3rdeyedilated. "Withdrawal: An Experience with Alcohol & Kratom (exp107455)". Dec 8, 2015.

      Kratom (daily)
I find it hard to believe that anyone is using the word 'withdrawals' in referring to discontinuing kratom usage. For the record, I've been using kratom for 11 years. I stopped using it for 6 years and returned to it as a substitute for alcohol. This did work for a time, but my alcohol problem became such that nothing would substitute. When I finally quit drinking for the last time, the withdrawal symptoms were so bad that kratom, which I usually loved, made no difference. I couldn't even feel it. I was having audial and visual hallucination, puking...I finally went to the hospital after 3 days because after no sleep for 3 days, I was hearing voices mocking me. Went to the ER, got a shot of Valium, and had my friend get me a stash of klonopin to taper off. THAT is withdrawal.

I take 2-3 doses of kratom a day, up to 30 grams a dose. Worst problem I ever had quitting was a runny nose and some irritability. My 'withdrawals' were 'cured' with 1/4 oz of mid-grade cannabis.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 107455
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 8, 2015Views: 2,538
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Kratom (203), Alcohol (61) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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