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Interesting Until Morning
Citation:   Sildriel. "Interesting Until Morning: An Experience with Phenibut (exp107483)". Nov 24, 2020.

T+ 0:00
4 g oral Smarts - Phenibut
  T+ 1:15 2 g oral Smarts - Phenibut
I have used Phenibut for its Nootropic effect(>1.2 grams) before and also its recreational (4 grams). This time I naively upped my dose without doing an adequate amount of research.

+0:00 Ingested 4 grams inside of capsules. I have not had anything to eat for ~5 hours.

+1:00 Not feeling anything but I am aware that it takes on average 2 hours to take effect.

+1:15 I give my friend 4 grams (he has also not had any food ~8 hours). I take 2 more grams, I considered taking 4 more but decided against it.

+2:30 I get up to walk down the hall and use the restroom I am starting to feel inebriated.

+3:00 I am enjoying myself, doing some reading online and listening to music. The music sounds particularly soothing, I feel calm and relaxed.

+4:00 I feel very intoxicated (the effects are similar to alcohol), my balance is off and I am fumbling over my words. My friend remarks how he is feeling ill, so he gets up to walk around and move to his bed. This is when everything went south, my friend begins to vomit (just stomach bile). He remarks about how he feels a little better and eats some pasta to try and help. We figured that because Phenibut works similarly to alcohol, a little starch in his stomach would help rather than hurt.

+5:00 I am feeling great still elevated mood, my body feels sensational so I eat some chips and salsa. My friend is feeling better but he goes to lay down in bed finally after we talk some more.

+6:00 I am reading on the computer again, effects are still in full swing. My roommate, who had passed out, is vomiting the pasta that he ate earlier.

+7:00 It is now about 2a.m. so I head off to bed. My body still feels tingly and my head is in a swirl and I am off balance.

+12:00 I get up to go to class (around 7AM) and my roommate is already awake, vomiting stomach bile and dry heaving. I am still feeling the effects of the Phenibut, although substantially lessened. This is when I start to become ill, I dry heave twice before I leave my home. When I finally get to class (stumbling the whole way) reading is a challenge I feel disoriented and struggle to do math.

+12:45 I have to run out of class to vomit and that is a challenge because my balance is off and my head is still swirling.

+16:45 I took a nap after class, woke up still inebriated and feeling like shit (achey, nauseous, and headache). I laid in bed for a little bit and fell asleep again.

+21:00 I woke up and the effects had finally subsided completely. My friend and I went to the store to buy cleaning supplies for the vomit and in the check-out line I vomited again.

+28:00 The nausea has finally subsided and I am writing the experience currently, still not feeling up to eating anything. In total, my roommate and I both puked 6 seperate times.

As an afternote to anyone who is interested in using this substance recreationally please do your research and eat before you take it. Our best results were between 2 - 3.5 grams and having ate something before taking it.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 107483
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Nov 24, 2020Views: 4,854
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Smarts - Phenibut (379) : Hangover / Days After (46), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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