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Slow Love
Citation:   Jim-Jim. "Slow Love: An Experience with Heroin (exp107490)". Jun 5, 2018.

T+ 0:00
100 mg oral Pharms - Sertraline (daily)
  T+ 0:00 20 mg oral Pharms - Methylphenidate (daily)
  T+ 0:00 1 line insufflated Heroin (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:15   insufflated Heroin (powder / crystals)
  T+ 2:50   insufflated Heroin (powder / crystals)
  T+ 4:10 1 line insufflated Heroin (powder / crystals)
  T+ 7:50 1 line insufflated Heroin (powder / crystals)
It was a Friday, I had recently ordered a stamp bag of heroin and it came in the mail just as I got home. I excitedly tore open the envelope and cut open the vacuum seal over the actual glassline bag. The bag was folded to about the size of a nickel, and had a small bit of heroin inside.

It's worth noting this was my first time with heroin. I have experience with DXM, codeine, vicodin, alprazolam, LSD and amphetamines. I'm also on an SSRI (Zoloft 100mg) for depression and Ritalin 20mg for ADHD.

3:20 Since it was apparently quite potent, I cut out a tiny line (about a fifth of the bag's content) and snorted it off a book

3:35 I'm listening to the Velvet Underground and feeling very heavy now

3:35 Holy fuck my body feels nice. Sniffed some that was left on my card after I put it back in the bag. Feeling quite chill and relaxed, a bit warm in my arms. Feeling somewhat spacey, I put on some chill music and decide to head over to my friend A's house

3:45 I'm a block or so out and decide to go back home and play guitar. It's a lot of fun but my fingers don't wanna cooperate with me so I give it a rest and call A. I tell her about the heroin and at first she seems quite worried but I manage to calm her down and we have a nice exchange.

3:55 I feel just right. I'm in comfy clothes, I'm happy, no worries, so relaxed. I can rest and feel so nice if I want. I have a full schedule today but now it doesn't bother me. I have a date tomorrow and it's gonna go great because I like the girl and she likes me. My friends love me and I love them. Even the thought of a recent separation I had with a girl doesn't get me down.

4:10 I was listening to 'About You' by XXYYXX and just stared into space for the entire duration of the song. I'm slumping over in my chair, extremely relaxed.

I've switched over to listening to dream pop which fits my present feeling perfectly. Also, looking in the mirror my pupils are fucking tiny.

4:35 There's a warmth in my heart that almost makes me want to cry in joy. I looked in the mirror and I am so beautiful. 4:55 Coming down a bit, but still feeling very relaxed and heavy.

5:20 I talked with my mom for a while, she had no idea I was high. Texted my girlfriend, it's easier than ever but I can tell I'm not acting quite myself. She's laughing a lot though, we're enjoying each others company.

5:30 Itchy all over, but just stroking my body in random places feels like heaven. I'm drinking a soda and feeling kinda nauseous, it feels a bit weird when I swallow.

6:00 My head is feeling a lot less spacey, very much on the come down. I feel hot and a bit short of breath, oddly enough. Riding over to J's house I get a bit stressed out but the stress disappears quickly.

6:10 Over at J's house, I'm almost all the way down so I head to the bathroom and sniff a tiny bit of dust. We get under a blanket and cuddle, watching mean girls but mostly just talking over it about asshole landlords and HOAs and house fires. Conversation comes easy, I love talking to her right now.

7:00 We get on the bus and head to the theater, and I eagerly listen to her stories.

7:30 We get to the theater, buy tickets and some food. I head to the bathroom and do an actual line, then head back and wait with J. A and S show up and we all talk for a bit before the lights go down. A is the only one who knows that I'm currently high.

9:30 It's getting harder to hide the fact that I'm high; I keep nodding during the play. J rubs my knuckle as we hold hands and its the most tender beautiful feeling. The entire play is a doped-out blur, but a sexy fever dream of one. At intermission I feel like eating something sugary so I devour a Milky Way. It tastes absolutely delicious.

10:30 The show ends and I give impassioned compliments to the cast. We leave and head to buffalo wild wings, talking openly about sexuality. I feel involved and all the parts of these conversations that usually bug or bore me no longer do.

11:15 I'm home now, I pour the rest of the bag out and sniff it. I can tell this one's bigger than the previous ones due to the backdrip in my throat.

11:25 Wow, this set in fast. The euphoria has yet to arrive but the sedation is heavy. My breathing is so slow.

11:50 Euphoria coming on strong now, I'm falling in between a wonderful sleep and a beautiful world.

12:00 I grab a pillow and clutch it like I did a stuffed animal as a child, listen to some ambient tunes and enjoy the soft waves of bliss. Satisfaction, comfort, and warmth fill my every inch.

I continue to drift until finally falling asleep for good at around 2:00 am. I am still amazed by the fact that I was high on heroin for almost 11 hours - that's one hell of an experience. Overall, it added an amazing glow to a great night.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 107490
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Jun 5, 2018Views: 2,672
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Heroin (27) : General (1), First Times (2), Various (28)

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