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Drug Interactions
Escitalopram & Various
Citation:   whatatripper. "Drug Interactions: An Experience with Escitalopram & Various (exp107503)". Jan 17, 2017.

10 mg oral Pharms - Escitalopram (daily)
Antidepressants SSRI Drug Interactions

SSRI's are amazing, but they are no joke.

Background: I am on 10mg Escitalopram (Lexapro) and have been for 2 months. The effects seem to have stabilised at this point.

Alcohol: When I drink I notice alcohol seems to affect me a lot more. Not to the point where it is dangerous, but I certainly need to monitor it. I would say this is a positive combination, as I am a lot more confident from the medication, which obviously combines well with the alcohol.

Cannabis: Another positive combination. Escitalopram reduces any anxiety I have (and what would be brought to the surface with Cannabis), and therefore I enjoy weed even more. The happiness of cannabis and the confidence/care free boost of the medication are amazing. It has certainly resulted in me consuming a lot more.

Ketamine: I have tried two different sources of K and can report a positive interaction with them both. The source I had a lot more of appears to be very, very high quality. I cannot estimate my use, only that it was around 1/4 of a gram (possibly more) over two days. No noticeable change to either drug's normal behaviour.

LSD: I had ~75ug of LSD (tab was labelled as LSD 150ug, had no taste nor numbness, trip was 'LSD like'). Waited 1 hour 30 for it to kick in. I experienced the minor visuals I am use to, however the effects weren't intense. This could be due to the dose (I was told these tabs were very strong, so I figured it wasn't worth risking a high dose). I noticed the head space seemed restricted and didn't experience the same euphoria I am use to. I then proceeded to have the other half 2 hours in. However after the first half it was combined with Ketamine I must discuss both together.

LSD + Ketamine: After being disappointed by the lack of effect of the LSD on me, I started doing bumps of Ketamine after the first ~75ug of LSD. I still didn't seem to be as affected as much by the Ketamine, so I was doing larger doses than the people around me who were also partaking. I really enjoyed the combination for most of the adventure. I noticed the head space was limited for most of the evening. This was kinda disappointing and kinda fun. I was a lot more functional tripping with a lower combination of both. However I started doing really large multiple doses of Ketamine and I experienced a lot of intensity. This intensity cumulated in me tripping so hard (or k'ing out) to the point where I lost self awareness, and a couple of times had to recenter myself and remember my current place in the universe. This was scary but I never felt unsafe, just acutely aware I needed to get my shit together.

Overall Reflections: I have found a really good place in my life thanks to Escitalopram. I previously didn't realise how much I was allowing negativity to impact me and people around me.
I have found a really good place in my life thanks to Escitalopram. I previously didn't realise how much I was allowing negativity to impact me and people around me.
Whilst I wouldn't say the medication makes me happy it certainly allows me to be a happier person. The effects are serious. The withdrawals suck and I notice when I have not taken my dose early enough. It has also enabled me to do more drugs and be a lot more carefree with my use. Whilst this is concerning, I am more comfortable with this as opposed to taking more drugs to escape aspects of myself.

Whilst I will forever love drugs and the impact they have on me, this medication has enabled a much more significant and constant positive change to my personality.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 107503
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Jan 17, 2017Views: 2,819
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Pharms - Escitalopram (304) : Combinations (3), Medical Use (47), Depression (15), Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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