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First Time I Had My Mind Blown
Pharmahuasca (Syrian Rue & DMT)
Citation:   SeoulSeeker. "First Time I Had My Mind Blown: An Experience with Pharmahuasca (Syrian Rue & DMT) (exp107513)". May 20, 2019.

2 g oral Syrian Rue  
  50 ug oral DMT (capsule)
  25 ug oral DMT (capsule)
My only experience with DMT prior to this experience was smoking it with grade A herb.

I was scared to say the least. I started with 2 grams of the rue and 50 micrograms of DMT. Nothing. So I added another 25 micrograms of DMT and Oh my word the earth moved about 20 mins later.

The onset felt like shrooms/san pedro come up. Smoking it before was absolutely nothing like taking it orally. I started seeing particles in the air and everything I looked at had a high pitched frequency that I could visibly see. I have taken the shrooms, and cactus before. Even combined the 2 but nothing other than that. I swear I have never felt the presence of source before like this.
I have never felt the presence of source before like this.
I'm a regular person no one extraordinary. No religious fanatic at all. When I tell you I faced my greatest fears in the warmth and love of the universe I am nowhere near lying. I have never seen vivid visuals and interacted with 'light' entities like this before. I went through every range of emotion known to man. The trip lasted a few hours though it felt like less than that and over the next few days the visual clarity was still there.

I have forever been changed by this experience. I am someone who has always been scared of the unknown. It was an experience like no other. I know for certain I will never do any other type of psychedelic. I have always searched for the Source and when I least expected it, it revealed itself to me. I closed my eyes and everything shifted. I was suspended in a black room with beautiful lights running every direction. There was communication. No voice but similar to an upload of information. The lights shifted into the silhouette of a little girl who handed me a large crystal orb. I took it and looked inside and a large eyeball looked at me from within. When I looked closer I was sucked into the orb and an amazing burst of colors began to cover everything. It was crazy beautiful. I'm a creative person and my imagination knows no bounds. I was a not so nice person in my early years and was haunted by my own fears which limited me in my life. Being conscious of this I decided to face it finally. I was in a dark room and the only source of light came from me. I felt my darkness surround me. Saw grotesque figures snarling and foaming so close to me I thought I would die. Just when I started to question what the f$$k I was doing I got the message. 'you created this, you control this, you can destroy this.' I'm a bit of a smart a$$ so I decided to be brash and tell the darkness 'hey I'm gonna need you all to get your s$$t together and cease to exist', I can't explain to you the instant release and relief I felt when as soon as they appeared they disappeared and I was bathed in light. The colors were so fantastic I giggled like a little girl.

Now back in my own body and in this world the fear that used to freak me out no longer exists. I don't profess to know s$$t about what I experienced but here's what I will tell you. I am not the same person I was prior to this experience.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 107513
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 38
Published: May 20, 2019Views: 989
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Pharmahuasca (822) : Glowing Experiences (4), Mystical Experiences (9), Entities / Beings (37), Combinations (3), Unknown Context (20)

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