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Morning Glory
Citation:   ejeitswd. "Reevaluation: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp107541)". Jun 17, 2020.

650 seeds oral Morning Glory
I had been reading up extensively on ingesting Morning Glory Seeds. I read thorough instructions of multiple methods of extraction. I read about other people's experiences, that they're either hit or miss. I was innately curious about trying them for myself. After confirming that it would be minimally shady to purchase a large amount of seeds on the Internet, that's exactly what I did. I ordered 1,500 of these raw, untreated Morning Glory Seeds. I could not wait for them to arrive.

I picked a day where I knew I didn't have much going on for the next 12-20 hours. My original plan was to grind the seeds in a coffee grinder to perform a cold water extraction, but me being my impatient self, we decided to chew up almost about 650 seeds a piece. The taste was slightly bitter and very earthy. It was pretty much unpleasant, but we were way too excited to skip out. We washed down all the seeds with pretzels and water. After eating the seeds we decided to take a walk in my neighborhood with another close friend. It was very nice out. Calm weather, fair temperature. I could not wait for the effects to begin.

It was 11:00 pm (~45 minutes after eating seeds) and my friend began experiencing intense, crippling nausea. She threw up so much, and pretty much felt better right away, as we expected. I, on the other hand, was not feeling nausea, but rather the feeling that I had taken a few shots. It felt incredible to be outside. I was moving around a lot and looking at the stars. We went back inside and decided to lay on my bed to listen to music. That's when it really hit. My friend was still 100% sober (due to the fact that she threw up so early in the game?). The thing I noticed first was the intense euphoria, similar to MDMA. I was all smiles. Music felt great, physically. I just couldn't stop moving around staring at my lights. It was mildly psychedelic, but the main thing was how incredibly happy I felt just to be breathing. I even felt so washed over by happiness, that I started crying and my sober friend made fun of me.

Later on, my friend said she was hungry. This is where my trip took a turn for the worse. I didn't believe her when she said she was sober, so it took some major convincing for me to get in the car. I decided to, and she drove to get food. We're almost there, sitting at a stop light and that's when the nausea hit me like a bus. The major stomach pain made me feel like my entire existence was coming to a halt. I was dying. Every atom in my body had disintegrated and flew out of the window of her car and they caught back up with me at the next light. I look over at my friend and tell her I'm about to throw up. A lot. I held it down like a champ, but once that car stopped j threw up more than I ever had collectively in my lifetime. I was unbelievably nasty. The taste, the texture, everything. I felt immensely better though. I was back to that euphoric state. Like a happy drunk. We get back home and were laying in bed. She is tired so she's going to sleep. I off and on worried about her being okay, since I was the one who got her to take the seeds in the first place. I kept asking her every few minutes if she was okay, and she would just giggle and say 'I'm fine, Emily.' Then she would play pretend dead, and it scared the absolute hell out of me. I thought I had killed my friend.

Worst trip ever from that point on. It happened multiple times, too. Everything she did scared me because I thought it was her dying. I kept looking at her, panicked, to make sure she was still breathing. Every time shed start snoring I would shake her awake to make sure she was alive. I was terrified. To make it worse, I kept thinking this trip was never EVER going to end. I felt like I was falling through an anxiety-filled hell for decades. Not hours, DECADES. It looked like The Magic School Bus featuring Satan. I was falling through a black sky, completely clueless. I just wanted it to be over. I eventually went to sleep. I slept calmly without any dreams. I remember waking up and instantly checking to see if I was still tripping. It was roughly 10:30 AM and the only thing I felt was slightly buzzy and everything was vibrant. Nothing out of the ordinary, really. I felt so so so relieved to be awake and alive and sober and to know my friend was the same. My stomach hurt for the rest of the day. It was hard to eat, and I was kind of on edge but that might be due to the fact that I made a three hour trip to see my family in another state. I was back to normal that night.

The Morning Glory trip was slightly visual. I saw lots of wings coming from the lights, as well as tracers. I saw patterns with my eyes open and closed. Nothing much besides that, though. Overall, I'd say this trip taught me to be more humble and to quit acting like I know everything. And perhaps not to get in a moving vehicle while on psychedelics?

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 107541
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jun 17, 2020Views: 640
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Morning Glory (38) : Difficult Experiences (5), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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